Peanut Juice Player Report

CKEY: Reesespieces

Your Discord: N/A

Offender’s CKEY: PeanutJuice

Offender’s In-Game Name: Strawbrary

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-12-31

Round Number: 51162

Rules Broken:

Some Rule 2 but mostly rule 7.

Incident Description:

Strawbrary was the Security Officer on a lowpop round, I was a traitor, not going for objectives. I had purchased a number of contraband crates and gave some of it out to fellow cargo. I had emagged the console. Strawbrary was snooping a bit too much, so I sleepy penned them, let them run off. I later surrendered to them. We both knew I sleepy penned them, but I played off stupid. They took the contraband I had on hand and released me. Later in the round Strawbrary decided to take AA and acting captain. They left me alone for a while, meanwhile Strawbrary aquired AA and captains gear and self-appointed themselves captain. Xander was doing exploration as a curator (Not really an issue). Later I saw Xander in the Nuclear operative suite. Told him nice suite chatted for a second. Then both Strawbrary (in captains gear), and Xander in Sindicate exploration gear attempt to arrest me for a crime I already turned myself in for. Not to mention the Security officer ignoring the bloodred syndicate hardsuite in the middle of Echo, (contraband, could paint you as enemy of corporation). I escape, but OOC I’m sick of getting metaganged up on as traitor when other players are obviously breaking into stuff (Amy Moon) had gotten ahold of Head gear and was flaunting it and strawbrary fully ignores this and hangs out with Amy.
I suicided my character not wanting to play out the round further… This behavior isn’t fun to play with. Metagang bullying those not in the gang.

Additional Information:

Third hand account from Selfiren: Strawbrary and Xander met up and discussed re-arresting and killing me:

(F) DEAD: Buynox-IV says, “Strawbrary (as Captain) flutters, “I gotta go kill Robert cause I’m sure he’s baiting.””

For the dead time where I was doing absolutely nothing in round, I was dealing with bugs. (Alt clicking any item near a monkey, results in client to hard crash with dreamweaver exception)

Alright lets address most of this right now: I was sec and became acting captain. It’s that easy, this isn’t against the rules.

I gave Amy AA because she was VIP on a lowpop round, giving people AA uncommonly (but does) happens on lowpop. By nature of having Captain given AA, you can’t really break into somewhere and she wasn’t spamming chat with the megaphone so no harm no foul on lowpop (imo).

I ignored Xander’s contraband because he was the explorer and what has happened in my experience is explorer has been allowed to keep it. He had also already explained how and where he got the contraband at this point and I decided it was fine since he was “explorer”

I arrested you the second time because the AI and I had found your three contraband crates in the back of cargo full of a lot of illegal contraband. I used the forensic scanner on it and it told me and Max that it had been someone with combat gloves. I found you with combat gloves and decided to arrest you.

The “I gotta go kill Robert cause I’m sure he’s baiting” was in response to you calling for help in cargo, cause that’s a common antag move. I was also joking and had planned to just check on you and arrest you if you decided to try to drug me again.

I don’t want to play with you again… Period

That wasn’t a fun round for me. Not in the least… Be excellent to each other. You already knew about the contraband I was wearing it… there was no discussion, just you and xander ganging up on me.

From my perspective I just see two people geared up to the 9’s there to bully me. There is no excuse for power gaming that like you did.

After I found more contraband and the evidence led to you I was correct to arrest you again, especially considering I just let you go the first time because it was lowpop. It sucks you didn’t have fun that round but I was just following the evidence AFTER I found more contraband in cargo.

I did not power game, I was acting captain.

Let an admin look into it… I’m not going to go back and forth further.

@Eve_Rowan What was your reasoning for allowing contraband to be used by Xander?

Buynox IV player here, was fellow antag but was going pretty stealth because I was shaft miner and my objectives would have taken me five minutes no sweat [dies to gibonite anyways roundend]
I interacted more Strawbrary and Xander, and in all honestly was a bit surprised to see something like this happen after I put thought into it.
Here’s the full image of the interaction with the I gotta go kill Robert cause I'm sure he's baiting. qoute

Strawbrary and Xander were communicating directly with each other over Common through Mothic, discussing the whole situation at hand during the after-period of Robert’s death, alongside using language insinuating that the pair were IC dating or something (Not to say it’s against the rules, no, but it did seem to be also putting forward an argument for meta-friending and giving unfair advantages)
This is just from my perspective and I wanted to make sure that this was known.

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It has been my experience on lowpop that explorers are allowed to keep whatever they find. Xander was acting as the “explorer” so I let him keep it.

A stetchkin is a stetchkin, and all other contraband is contraband too. Explorers are not an exception to being allowed to use contraband on the station especially when you are actively enforcing it on other players as a station defender. Willfully allowing someone else to keep and use it on station is nearly as bad as using it yourself as an officer.

I hope you can understand why this looks like a metagang situation looking at it as staff, even if that isn’t actually what was going on.

Please enforce the law equally if you’re going to play security or Captain (including acting captain). The lack of IC enforcement against explorers who violate SOP is what encourages them to freely parade overpowered loot and valid-hunt with it.

@CarolJ you should be expecting and facing IC consequences for bringing contraband to the station and using it there. If command/sec is giving you a free pass they aren’t supposed to be. (This is a problem on their part and not entirely yours unless you’re actively valid-hunting with it though)

I understand, I’ll make sure not to give special circumstances to explorers anymore


Gotcha! I bring it onto the station fully aware and prepared for IC consequences, and I try to make a point to announce/hand over pertinent contraband to formal command, mainly because how are they supposed to know that I have contraband if I don’t let them know as such.

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Whoops, I didn’t remember to close this one up.

Report accepted.

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