Peaceful LRP Pathing

Get epic gamer weapon, eye+ear protection as any role under 2 minutes if you’re fast enough

this is obviously made for situations where there’s too many people to steal cap’s spare/sec gear without being labeled a fugitive

by breaking shit like this you also concede that people are allowed to kick your ass if they see you

and yes I know atmos gets access to these right away but if you’re using the role simply to tide you’re gay


Time, any% in 1:22 not bad

What happens after you do all of this?

Anything you want

i thought xylana was a woman

u know what i still do

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You get validhunted and then proceed to dab on whoever tries to valid you, before being framed as an antag and get executed by the Captain while an actual traitor proceeds to nuke the station.

Or you fight an actual threat to the station while spastic HoS/Captain try to validhunt you at the same time, ignoring and inadvertently helping the antags :100:


Hence why I play HOP 90% of the time.

Cap is often stupid airheaded and HOS are hit or miss.

HOP is that perfect balance of responsability and freedom.

plus antag roll