In-game report:
CKEY: SwagstylerS
Your Discord: SwagstylerS#5072
Offender’s CKEY: Unsure, IG name: Paige Catherina
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Paige Catherina
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):11.08.2019
Round Number: 8865
Rules Broken: Rule 2 Validity Rule
Incident Description:
It was a wizard round, someone greytided his way to aa and was kind enough to share it with everyone. I was the chaplain and had some advantages over the wizard so I went to sec to get glasses but I was met with a sec officer buttoning me. I tried to explain the situation but they didn’t simply care so they took my ID and made me leave without one. I beat him over the head with the bible trice and then his powerboner erupted like a volcano. He stunned me, cuffed me, put me in a locker, made the prisoner shuttle leave, put me where it would arrive attempting to gib me which it didn’t but I died trough the spess cold.
Additional Information: