Paige Catherina Player Report

In-game report:

   CKEY: SwagstylerS

   Your Discord: SwagstylerS#5072

   Offender’s CKEY: Unsure, IG name: Paige Catherina

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Paige Catherina

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY):11.08.2019

   Round Number: 8865

   Rules Broken: Rule 2 Validity Rule

   Incident Description: 

It was a wizard round, someone greytided his way to aa and was kind enough to share it with everyone. I was the chaplain and had some advantages over the wizard so I went to sec to get glasses but I was met with a sec officer buttoning me. I tried to explain the situation but they didn’t simply care so they took my ID and made me leave without one. I beat him over the head with the bible trice and then his powerboner erupted like a volcano. He stunned me, cuffed me, put me in a locker, made the prisoner shuttle leave, put me where it would arrive attempting to gib me which it didn’t but I died trough the spess cold.

   Additional Information:

tfw save you and clone you later but don’t have the chance to cuck the sec guy

I witnessed this round. I saw everything go down the way it has been described as the AI. I cant attest to any spoken word, but what I saw was a chaplain and paige, get strip searched, uncuffed, Paige got bibled, paige recuffed chap, and put them out into the shuttle area to gib. You can pull my chat logs from ActualAutist.EXE I told sec several times, and then later in the round killed Paige myself as they were still non-human

this is pretty bad, and seems like utter shitsec behavior. Killing chap on a wizard round as sec and stealing someone’s id, especially as sec seems like some pretty low self antag behavior. @GameAdmin why was this not taken care of a year ago?

Stale topic
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