Our Admin Staff Are Targeting Me

It is clearly visible that the majority of our admin staff, with the exception of a few admins that saw just enough of it to go “hey that’s a lil fucked up” and then dissapear from the whole mess seem to be in favor of banning me permanently, closed my appeal about mutinying the very cap which they agreed in Guillecos appeal deserved a command ban, and refuse to post public logs and say Aeders logs are correct EVEN AFTER THE VERY JANITOR I SUPPOSEDLY ATTACKED CAME FORTH AND SAID THEY WERE FAKE

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You all know whos at fault here (The felinds are causing this) reopen please


I think you’re a great member of security personally

Oh I’ve definitely done some dog shit bad things as sec before but my based levels grew immensely ngl

i wanted to remain polite and civil about this but yeah it kinda feels like this is a targeted/grudgey effort


With the amount of lying, childish and insulting posts I wouldn’t put too much stock in it.

Though this will likely be dismissed because of the premise.

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Aeder why can’t they make the logs public

Who would I trust more a random janny. Or a member of the staff team?

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Aeder confirmed that he did in fact “miss” those logs that show him attacking first, and yet the admins are saying his original logs are correct

the situation is interesting and all but why is this titled like a memology 101 shitpost


“Since looking through the logs on notepad++ I did find all in current document, I must have not seen the first instance of you hitting them first and I’m not at my pc to post it.
Anything with question marks are meant as questions including the part at the end clarifying my doubts and lack of knowledge.
If I am incorrect about anything I apologise.”

Re read the answer I posted about my “confirmation”

Because let’s be honest I am a fucking shitter, just a based one

Why can’t we have logs tho :upside_down_face:

admins do kinda target players tho

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Like who?


michiru thinks admins target them because they fuck up and get banned while also being disliked for their dumb takes (which is weird because every time i encounter them ingame, michiru is actually a pleasure to be around)

i can’t tell if alexander is being ironic or if we’re actually witnessing someone go down the road to become a true shitter


Funny post, upvoted.

I don’t know if I’m truly being targeted, but I do know that a lot surrounding these appeals and reports is fishy which is the origin of the joking and true part of this post

“Fishy” was a shitter and got banned (fuck jannies though)

Did you look at any of it