Opinions on a better atmos system

  • New Atmos
  • Current Atmos
  • Don’t Care

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I’ve been talking with Ike about implementing/porting a new system for Atmos, and it’s going to take a substantial bounty to get done most likely. Before I lay down the money I want to know what others think about the idea since it’s going to cause a fundamental shift in gameplay on both servers.

Current Atmos

  • Atmos is calculated tile-to-tile, which is slow and inefficient.
  • Gas does not flow or mix at all in equal pressure environments.
  • Scrubbers are nearly worthless at doing their job, since they can only pull from up to adjacent tiles
  • Likewise vents do a very very poor job of re-pressurizing rooms after they’ve been bombed and rebuilt.
  • Sudden changes in pressure have a very slowly propagating effect
Scrubbers on expanded range at work to filter plasma


Currently if there is a hull breach, there is almost no immediate effect on the surrounding area. A bit of suction toward the breach, but there will still be breathable levels of air a few paces away from the hole indefinitely. If you take a canister with any visible gas, you can write words with it and the gas will never mix or dissapate into the surrounding area. In the event someone has opened a canister and released gas into a room, the only way to clean it is to manually take a portable scrubber over every single tile.

Proposed Atmos

  • Calculates atmos changes on a room-to-room basis
  • Exposing a room to space results in rapid de-pressurization
  • Releasing gas from a canister will cause it to rapidly mix with all exposed air instead of sluggishly creeping out of the canister
  • Scrubbers will actually work beyond a 2-tile range and be able to effectively decontaminate rooms
  • Vents will repressurize entire rooms instead of just the area around them.

It will make atmos-based sabotage much more rapid/effective, but also make clean-up an actually feasible option after the fact. Also makes exposing portions of the station to space have a much higher level of consequence, whether for good or bad (Cleaning up bad gas or just making the station less inhabitable)


Just say you want fastmos lmao

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That’s a pretty good tl;dr for the entire post yeah lol

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since it was ike you were talking to, I’m just going to go out on a limb and say that this is very obviously going to be either c++ monstermos or a similar implementation of it

You would be correct, Monstermos is what originally caught my attention when I was first discussing options on improving our atmos. The super-sluggish atmos we have has bothered me for quite a while - specifically because of the scrubbers situation. They feel like they almost may as well not exist

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Yeah I don’t know why the post is worded the way it is, this is just a proposal to port monstermos.

Because I’d wager the average player wouldn’t know what I was talking about if I just said “Port monstermos? Y/N?”

The thread’s goal is to gauge what the rest of the server thinks about faster atmos before I slap money on something just for it to get implemented and then reverted due to mass outcry about the change.

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It’s just that it would be nice to have a link to the original PR for it as it’s a really interesting system that some people might want to look over first

god bless you ike

20 chars

so one fucked window means bye bye pressure for the whole room in a quick manner? that can go very wrong.

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It also means re-pressurizing rooms will be a lot simpler to do since Vents have the same problem as scrubbers currently - They only pump gas where they are and it takes forever to spread outward (if it ever does)

Equalized pressure in a room is only possible at roundstart right now. Once a room is exposed to space currently, there will always be low-pressure pockets in that room for the rest of the round

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like real life

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so a smoothbrained greyfuck can damage a lot of people by oofing a window. NICE

And an engineer doing repairs can actually fix rooms that currently can’t be - it goes both ways :stuck_out_tongue:


lets be honest, who would do that except for based engies

also imagine the damage on LRP, noone gives 2 fucks about the station

As long as it’s not hollywood tier explosive decompression I don’t see the issue

I was playing with my fellow cyka blyatters and they had this sytem, once i broke the window and oh boy was that fun to look at that 1000 pieces of trash went flying and killed me though.
Absolutely based if u didnt know a breach on space station fucks you, you dont just look at a breach and say wow i think im low on air /gasps/
Please add this also i saw that air scrubber, ce brought that giant piece of shit but it did nothing lmao.

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How will this affect cult tiles? They have that effect which slows the spread of gasses, so this system seems like it’d affect that

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