Oofman22 banned by PerishedFraud

Person1 Permanently Banned by Person2
CKEY: oofman22
Admin’s CKEY: Francinum

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Ban Type: Permanent

Ban Length: Forever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/01/20

Round ID: 20020

Ban Reason: Maxcapped sec as nonantag. Did similar bombings in past.

Appeal Reason: I think I have learned my lesson. I went a bit overboard on that day as I had just learned how to make bombs. I won’t do it again

Additional Information:

Can we start adding banning admins to titles?

Honestly, not very convincing. I get that there’s not much to say about it, but like, you maxcapped sec just because “hee hoo haha he, tank go boom!”

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As I said at the time.

I really don’t believe this.

You were banned for behavior like this literally 5 hours prior to the ban I issued.

Yeah, I’d say get a vouch that you’ve improved from another trustworthy server and your chances will be better. That’s just my suggestion for your appeal.

I also think requiring a vouch is good here.

Wait a second here guys, he’s saying he just learned how to make bombs yet he has a similar history in the past that doesn’t add up

We know, that’s why we’re saying deny unless he can get a vouch from another server.

Uhm, acording to the bans page this is actualy perishedfrauds ban, with you only giving the authorisation for it fran?

Lets get the man himself in on this.

Hey hey. I’d love to allow you to play again but this isn’t killing people or breaking silicon laws, you deleted a whole department on a whim.

I’m gonna have to agree with the others above. Play for a bit on another server, get a vouch, and I won’t hesitate to unban. I think this is the right move in this case.

Wait a second here guys, he’s saying he just learned how to make bombs yet he has a similar history in the past that doesn’t add up

I assume he meant maxcaps/toxin bombs, which are different from chem.