Ok, but what do you really think about temp Sage whitelist?

I don’t think upping the hourly requirements matters terribly much when being a “good” head requires a unique set of skills and mindset.

It might honestly be more effective to enhance the wiki guides, especially to include what’s expected of you, and embed them in your chat when you pick the role.

I set head roles to require 30 days minimum, to prevent people from rushing reqs just for powergaming the equipment before they’ve had any chance to really learn the expectations.

I also locked off Engineering and Science for a week for the sake of making grief at least a little harder to do (Breaking into the department vs having access to it really makes a world of difference for flagging hostile intent). It put a few purely hour-based requirements on a handful of other jobs by the end of it, but I kept reducing the reqs as the PR went on in an attempt to appease the powers that be and eventually dropped it when it became apparent no adjustment to playtime reqs was going to be accepted.


I generally like these kinds of solutions, as well as holding heads to a higher standard of conduct – which I understand increases the administrative burden somewhat, but I think would ultimately enhance quality of life.

I do think there should be more IC information/big red text that informs someone when they pick a head role of what is expected of them, and letting them know that they will be under more scrutiny, and there is a higher expectation of roleplay from them.

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All those sound reasonable to me, at least you tried.

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Yes that would have been a neat PR.

I also worry the staff is gaining and losing members at the same speed while the population stagnates, but thats subjectively based view, and a topic for another thread. I can understand the workload increase worries though

If we put in a whitelist, what makes one qualify through? Just the fact of applying? I guess thats gonna pay off eventually, but not gonna solve griefing.

We now have to fucking pitch a character or something? No thats too hrp.

In an ideal world heads of staff maintain the station in a way that admins don’t even need to get involved in most situations except RP violations, major self-antag and grief.

Heads are expected to enforce SOP, so that there is a level of order enforced upon the department in which they serve. Heads of staff appropriately taking it upon themselves to lead their department should be involved with the folks they’re working with and ensure NT standards are upheld from an IC standpoint. Likewise, problem employees should have access stripped and be yeeted into the halls or tossed into a cell depending on their crimes.

Normal players are not expected to follow SOP, but are expected to acknowledge that it exists. If you want to make drugs as a chemist, by all means go for it… but you should be trying to keep it hidden and under the table. Deal your drugs cautiously, not openly. Security should be seizing drugs and issuing minor (at first anyway) sentences for violations. CMO should be looking at demoting you if caught, and it shouldn’t be the only thing you’re seeking to do.

If Heads of staff enforce SOP appropriately, everything else trickles down in a way that’s organic and overall improves the experience for the server as a whole. Instead folks seem afraid of ruining the fun of someone who’s skirting or outright breaking the rules (roboticist making an unauthorized mech? Oh they’re just doing their job it’s fine). Or worse, we get the Captains that just openly join in on issues in such a way that can only be solved organically by issuing CC orders to strip the captain and risking a total station revolt because he’s the “Cool captain”.

I don’t want a hard whitelist on Sage at all. What Sage needs most is quality heads of staff, and I’d like a soft whitelist, or priority list if you will for Heads of staff. Players on the list are given heavy weighting over other players for head roles, but if nobody on priority list is available, others can still opt in and take the roles. Mentors and Admins should automatically be a part of this list, as they are already held to higher standards.

Also for the love of god can we force HoP to require hours played as another Head of Staff at least, instead of just service. Inexperienced HoP are the fucking worst: issuing access without asking and causing problems in general.

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I do agree with this. For example, I have played detective a few times and now I can play as HOS. Except I would make the worst HOS in existence and I don’t even know how gulag works.

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I stopped playing heads almost wholesale after a round where me(HoS) and RD were the only voices of reason among the station as a whole and all of command staff regarding handling a purged AI(said AI was purged by someone in command that wasn’t me or RD, and kept getting re-purged after I crewsimoved it). Please, just go for a whitelist, it stops 99% of these issues from happening at the start.

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Judging by the last few rounds, this is how Gulag works:

Get gulag’d, collect enough points to leave gulag, HOS sees you after you completed your gulag sentence. Immediately re-arrests you and throws you in perma because “there is no way you got out of the gulag that fast”.

(But in all seriousness, just get a prisoner ID and throw em in the gulag machine, set points and and it will do the rest for you)

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Add a step above high (an ultra) to head job selection for whitelisted head staff… That way I can always be my desired head job :smiley:

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