Ocapitalista ban by spockye


Admin’s CKEY:

Ban Type:

Ban Length:

Ban Date
2022-04-21 23:49:38

Round ID:

Ban Reason:
as a chemist bombed Cryo with a 200u nitrous grenade, and disconnected.

Appeal Reason:
I knew this would happen, but permanent ban

Additional Information:
it took me a few minutes to disconnected

Hi. I authorized the ban.

So you knew you were breaking the rules? I’d like to get your thought process of why you thought this was acceptable.

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I usually argue that people shouldn’t get perma bans, but here I think you’ve 100% deserved what was coming.
You just can’t break rules “because I’ll just get 1 day ban whatever”.

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There is precedent for this. Intentionally breaking the rules knowing full well you will eat a ban and deeming it worth it is full culpability for a perma

Full support in keeping this.

As I’ve had support in sustaining this ban from a few other admins, I will do so.

You’re free to appeal this ban, with a vouch from a reputable server, after 2023-04-21 .