[2020-02-24 01:13:22.430] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (200, 128, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:25.452] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (199, 138, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:28.633] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (201, 135, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:29.258] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (201, 136, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:33.381] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has grabbed Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) passive grab (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (199, 135, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:34.670] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has handcuffed Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (199, 135, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:40.428] ATTACK: Tamumus/(Aden Finlay) has grabbed (Krav Maga) Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (200, 142, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:40.429] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has pulled from Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with Aden Finlay (NEWHP: 100) (Brig (200, 143, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:13:40.429] ATTACK: Tamumus/(Aden Finlay) has grabbed Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) passive grab (NEWHP: 85.2) (Brig (200, 142, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:14:29.795] ATTACK: Tamumus/(Aden Finlay) has stripped the zipties off Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) (NEWHP: 85.2) (Prison Wing (200, 162, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:14:55.682] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot AzraelKnightquest/(Azrael Knightquest) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: 57.5) (Central Primary Hallway (170, 137, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:15:03.896] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (169, 148, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:15:04.349] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (169, 148, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:15:13.940] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (169, 144, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:15:14.756] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (169, 144, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:15:15.518] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (169, 144, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:05.359] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (192, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:05.510] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (191, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:05.780] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (189, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:06.068] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (187, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:06.320] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has fired at Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with the ion bolt from Brig (NEWHP: 100) (Brig (195, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:06.348] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (186, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:07.064] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (182, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:07.331] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot no key/(Officer Beepsky) with the ion bolt (NEWHP: 25) (Starboard Primary Hallway (192, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:07.536] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (179, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:07.570] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (179, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:08.148] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (175, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:08.220] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (174, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:08.508] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has fired at [floor] with the ion bolt from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (189, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:08.845] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (173, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:08.965] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has fired at [floor] with the ion bolt from Starboard Primary Hallway (Starboard Primary Hallway (189, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:09.122] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (172, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:09.863] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Central Primary Hallway (171, 131, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:21.398] ATTACK: Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) has shot Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.2) (Starboard Primary Hallway (185, 129, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:21.699] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with the ion bolt (NEWHP: 100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (190, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:24.537] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: 55) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:25.489] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: 5) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:26.003] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -20) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:26.582] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -45) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:30.296] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -70) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:30.948] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -95) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:31.492] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot Halinder/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:32.059] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:32.598] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:33.326] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has shot no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:39.198] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:40.232] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:41.143] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:42.057] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:43.057] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:44.042] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:44.977] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:45.886] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:46.683] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:47.671] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:48.486] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:49.281] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:50.162] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:51.158] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:52.257] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
[2020-02-24 01:16:53.190] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Nancy Druid) has attacked no key/(Lievir Flisrauy) with police baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Starboard Primary Hallway (184, 130, 2))
The absolute VOLUME of exchanges between you two is not worth the time to copy paste all of, but I got this much of it without losing my sanity. Another later exchange happened exactly the same - NotMegatron resorted to completely smashing you up again.