Not megatron banned by ro5490

CKEY: Not megatron

Admin’s CKEY: ro5490

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Sage

Ban Type: Temp

Ban Length: 3 days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 3/8/20

Round ID: 13264

Ban Reason: Global Ban - Over-Escalation, As Bartender started a fight cause he didnt want to give someone beer goggles, lied in the ahelp, and beat the guy into softcrit, ending in the guys death. - Auth SuperDork55/Aeder

Appeal Reason:


I’m getting really, really, really tired of the whole “I lost so now I’m gonna whine to the admins” schtick. Everett Garrison, world famous powergamer, is begging me for beer goggles at the very beginning of the round so he can powergame harder… I tell him no, no, and no again and instead of leaving he starts breaking shit, setting himself on fire, and generally being a nuisance so I challenge him to a fight. He picks up a weapon, gets his ass handed to him and dies when someone drags him to medbay.
I did not lie, and I did not overescalate, and I got banned for expecting there to be a competent paramedic on shift. Thanks in advance.
Additional Information:
I should mention the deathgasp in the screenshot above was not him dying but just *deathgasp spam

@fighterslam have your say

Due to being unable to actually see item pickups in logs, this may have been a bit of a mess to sort out.
I didnt manage to find out who picked up the bar-stool first, however instead I tried to catch you out and mentioned that you picked up a bar stool first, to see if you where lying to me about being the first to grab a weapon, you replied that you infact where, and I based things off of what you and Everett both told me, Again this was due to being unable to see who picked up a weapon first.

So yes, I recind the fact you lied in your ahelp about the stools. However, you still over-escalated the situation, initiated the fight, and ended up soft-critting Everett over a pair of beer googles, which ended in Everetts death.

I also took into account the amount of notes you have, however If this is a false ban then that doesnt matter.

Happy to recieve any input from the other admins here. And I may shorten the ban due to the “Lying in Ahelp” section being false.

If other admins dont think this was over-escalation then the ban will be revoked.

(Tagging @Aeder and @SuperDork55 due to auth)

Logs Below

Ahelp Logs

[2020-03-08 23:25:55.925] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison): looking into it
[2020-03-08 23:27:39.671] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison): Caleb?
[2020-03-08 23:27:45.871] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): yes

[2020-03-08 23:28:06.402] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): Yo, why'd you attack and kill Everett?
[2020-03-08 23:29:10.019] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Was he the one to ahelp or was it someone else? He came in begging me for beer goggles and wouldn't fuck off, so I told him that if he could get mine off me he could have them. He grabbed a stool, we fought, he lost.
[2020-03-08 23:29:30.090] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Chef dragged him away and he bled out. Wasn't my fault.
[2020-03-08 23:31:20.415] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): You where the first one to grab and attack, whats up with that?
[2020-03-08 23:32:09.371] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): I issued a challenge and he grabbed a weapon. Logs don't show when items are picked up, do they?
[2020-03-08 23:33:29.896] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): What weapon?
[2020-03-08 23:33:35.534] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Bar stool.

[2020-03-08 23:35:05.661] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison): Did you pick up a bar stool before the fight by any chance?
[2020-03-08 23:35:25.984] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): i picked up a bar stool when he attacked me
[2020-03-08 23:35:47.453] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): but i only threw them at him and tried not to actually hit him because i dont feel like being banned
[2020-03-08 23:36:50.556] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison): This was after he grabbed you, yes?
[2020-03-08 23:36:59.819] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): pretty sure yeah

[2020-03-08 23:37:02.424] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): so he picked it up before you grabbed him?
[2020-03-08 23:37:06.111] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Yep.
[2020-03-08 23:38:11.185] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): weird, i checked into things and you where the first person with a bar stool in-hand
[2020-03-08 23:38:33.851] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Not megatron/(Caleb Greene): you wanna say anything about that?
[2020-03-08 23:39:39.312] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Oh tru I might have menaced him a little, waved it around threateningly… Why are you digging so hard here? It was a bar brawl and he lost.

[2020-03-09 00:02:44.348] ADMINPRIVATE: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) has created a temporary 3 days server ban for Not megatron. Reason: Global Ban - Over-Escalation, As Bartender started a fight cause he didnt want to give someone beer goggles, lied in the ahelp, and beat the guy into softcrit, ending in the guys death. - Auth SuperDork55/Aeder

Say Logs

[2020-03-08 23:09:44.252] Starting up round ID 13264.

[2020-03-08 23:14:26.317] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “bartender” (Bar (128, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:28.600] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “can i have beer goggles” (Bar (128, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:37.080] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “im gonna be doing plumbing” (Bar (128, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:37.256] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Funny.” (Central Primary Hallway (127, 129, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:40.472] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “and the beer goggles show reagents” (Bar (128, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:54.588] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Pretty good line.” (Bar (133, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:14:59.209] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “can i have” (Bar (132, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:01.082] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “beer goggles” (Bar (132, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:05.491] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “no.” (Bar (133, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:07.232] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “why not” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:09.883] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “you have some” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:11.464] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “in your back room” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:23.054] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Because I don't want to give them to you.” (Bar (132, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:26.874] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Simple.” (Bar (132, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:30.877] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “i see” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:33.061] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “how can i convince you” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:34.674] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “to give them to me” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:35.214] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “then” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:37.421] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Hmm.” (Bar (132, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:41.960] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “i mean you have an extra set” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:43.964] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “You can't.” (Bar (132, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:45.584] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “in your back room” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:15:59.136] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Science googles do the same.” (Bar (130, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:06.344] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “You just want flash protection.” (Bar (131, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:14.095] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “yeah flash protection is pretty nice” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:18.254] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Can I get you a drink?” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:22.501] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “i dont drink” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:26.283] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “unless you have like” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:27.126] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “narsour” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:39.343] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “It'd take a few minutes but I could get you some.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:16:49.454] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “unless its actually useful for something then yeah i don't want it” (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:17:00.029] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “I only make useful drinks.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:17:47.299] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Get lost.” (Bar (130, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:18:15.942] EMOTE: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) claps. (Bar (132, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:18:32.177] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “what iiif” (Bar (132, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:05.132] GAME: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) set Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) on fire with the �Zippo lighter at Bar (130, 128, 2)
[2020-03-08 23:19:09.238] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “ARE YOU NOT AMUSEDD” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:26.801] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “I lit myself on fire and played music” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:29.610] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “You're getting colder.” (Bar (131, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:30.891] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “Can I have beer goggles now?” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:42.489] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Let's see.” (Bar (130, 131, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:19:49.228] EMOTE: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) starts counting off on his fingers. (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:31.249] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “You've made a bloody mess, a racket, a damaged bar counter…” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:37.183] EMOTE: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) nods. (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:40.837] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “A headache, soon.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:48.234] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “professional ■■■■■■, at your service” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:49.374] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “wait” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:53.681] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “the bloods gone” (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:20:57.866] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “No thanks to you.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:01.570] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “when” (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:03.593] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “when did it” (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:04.151] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “where” (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:05.014] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “what” (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:07.301] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Tell you what.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:17.031] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “You can have these if you can get them off me.” (Bar (133, 129, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:36.318] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Otherwise, buzz off.” (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:41.774] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “bro” (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:47.192] SAY: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) “you stole my guitar” (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:14.873] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Oof.” (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:34.783] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “That's enough.” (Bar (132, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:42.243] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #5: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison): local bartender attacks me and throws my guitar away 4noraisin
[2020-03-08 23:23:47.951] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “We're done.” (Bar (133, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:56.975] SAY: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) “Medic to the bar.” (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:24:02.554] EMOTE: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless… (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:24:14.093] EMOTE: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless… (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:24:14.098] GAME: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has died (BRUTE: 130, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 78.9667, CLONE: 0) (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:24:14.101] ACCESS: Mob Login: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer

Attack logs

[2020-03-08 23:21:53.166] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 88.3) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:53.436] ATTACK: no key/(Inspector Johnson) has injected Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with internal synthesizer /datum/reagent/medicine/kelotane:15 (NEWHP: 88.3) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:54.225] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 90.3) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:55.311] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) grab from tile in Bar (132, 127, 2) towards tile at Central Primary Hallway (126, 127, 2) (NEWHP: 90.3) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:55.312] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Everett Garrison (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:57.511] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown the electric guitar (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:58.736] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:59.622] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 93.8) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:21:59.872] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:01.220] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to neck grab Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) neck grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:01.772] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has broke grab Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:03.949] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 97.8) (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:05.783] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 91.8) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:07.481] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attempted to touch Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 92) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:07.882] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:07.884] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has threw and hit Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with the bar stool (NEWHP: 93) (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:08.350] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked [holopad] with the bar stool (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:09.167] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 84) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:10.956] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:10.958] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has threw and hit Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with the bar stool (NEWHP: 86.2) (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:12.281] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 84) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:13.157] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 84) (Bar (130, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:15.414] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attempted to touch Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 84) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:15.497] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (131, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:16.607] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 76) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:17.436] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked [�Bar air scrubber #1] with the bar stool (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:20.383] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 70) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:21.623] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 62) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:22.796] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 54) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:23.160] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:23.173] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has threw and hit Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with the bar stool (NEWHP: 79.8) (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:23.712] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked [�Bar air scrubber #1] with the bar stool (Bar (131, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:25.405] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (134, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:26.306] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown the bar stool (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:26.328] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has threw and hit Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with the bar stool (NEWHP: 44) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:28.086] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 38) (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:28.239] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 79.9) (Bar (134, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:30.702] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 30) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:32.726] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:36.234] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 80.3) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:47.083] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:50.543] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:50.622] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 80.7) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:51.443] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 81.1) (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:51.575] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:52.727] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attempted to neck grab Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) neck grab (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:53.486] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has broke grab Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 22) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:53.778] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 81.1) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:55.355] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 81.1) (Bar (132, 125, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:55.648] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attacked Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with bar stool (INTENT: GRAB) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:56.163] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has pulled from Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with Travis Bullton (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:56.466] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 81.1) (Bar (132, 125, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:56.652] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:57.357] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 81.1) (Bar (132, 125, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:58.245] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:22:59.818] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (133, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:00.194] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 81.5) (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:00.694] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with onto the reinforced table (table) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:01.604] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 81.5) (Bar (132, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:02.179] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has kicks Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:02.180] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 14) (Bar (133, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:05.312] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Travis Bullton (Bar (133, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:06.389] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attempted to touch Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 81.5) (Bar (132, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:10.363] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 81.9) (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:10.867] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Travis Bullton (Bar (132, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:12.465] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 6.5) (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:13.340] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attacked Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with bar stool (INTENT: GRAB) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 74.2) (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:14.119] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 74.2) (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:16.419] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 6.5) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:16.486] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 74.3) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:17.286] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) (NEWHP: 74.3) (Bar (130, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:17.795] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 6.5) (Bar (130, 125, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:19.360] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has attacked Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with potted plant (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 64.5) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:22.000] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: 6.5) (Bar (131, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:22.111] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with onto the reinforced table (table) (NEWHP: 64.5) (Bar (131, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:23.394] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has kicks Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 64.5) (Bar (130, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:23.395] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has shoved Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) with onto the reinforced table (table) (NEWHP: 64.5) (Bar (130, 127, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:24.847] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) has grabbed Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) passive grab (NEWHP: 64.7) (Bar (130, 128, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:27.605] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) (NEWHP: 6.5) (Bar (130, 129, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:35.698] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has shoved Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) with onto the reinforced table (table) (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:36.697] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:37.755] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) aggressive grab (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:38.886] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has tabled Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) onto the reinforced table (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:39.738] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:40.845] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) aggressive grab (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:41.831] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has attempted to neck grab Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) neck grab (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:42.842] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) grab from tile in Bar (130, 130, 2) towards tile at Bar (133, 127, 2) (NEWHP: -11) (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:42.843] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has thrown Everett Garrison (Bar (130, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:23:49.715] ATTACK: Not megatron/(Caleb Greene) has grabbed Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) passive grab (NEWHP: -21) (Bar (131, 130, 2))
[2020-03-08 23:24:14.093] ATTACK: Fighterslam/(Everett Garrison) Has succumbed to death while in soft critical with -29.7 points of health! (Bar (131, 130, 2))

I see over-escalation according to the rule for sure. I’m hesitant to side with fighterslam here regardless though. You were told no several times and told to leave as well.

Proper procedure would be to try to remove him forcefully but non-lethally first, but I’m inclined to give the barkeep some slack for removing troublemakers through bar fight levels of force (especially since he downed the drink right then, it looks nice and character driven) - and medical attention was also called immediately.

There’s definitely fault here and by someone with a history of being aggressive, but I want to call for a break to be given after seeing everything that went down. Escalation via RP is what I see, even if technically against the stated rules.

Based on the screenshots I’m gonna throw my opinion on Megatron’s side. Everett looks to have been ahelp baiting here, which isn’t uncommon lately. Smashing shit, burning yourself, and choking things out for beer goggles is certainly baiting a reaction out of someone. A bartender saying come and get it off of me, then Everett picking up a stool seems like a perfectly RP way to accept and acknowledge a fight.

Megatron tried a few times to throw them out non-lethally. Also they stopped attacking and called a medic once Everett was critted. While it doesn’t give a pass for over-escalation, the bartender is given a shotgun with non lethals for a reason. Common bar rp involves fights, and if they follow decent escalation, I don’t see an issue with a biligerent patron getting knocked out and thrown out.

Maybe an epi pen could have been given to Everett and he could have been actually carried to med, but I dunno.

why is he banned
i don’t understand why this guy is banned
he shouldn’t be banned
the real person who should be banned from this round is whoever was playing hos and permabrigged me because someone stole my corpse after i got cloned

Why did you ticket it if you didn’t want or expect action to be taken?

@ro5490 bad move to try and play the I got ya bitch move
You could of just asked you grabbed chair first

example oneplusone (the greatest admeme to grace this server) once bwoinked me and said did you crush them in the shuttle be honest
And I was like yes

True that, my bad there @LastCrusader105
Waiting on another admins opinion but looks like you’ll be unbanned :+1: @NotMegatron

because he disposaled my guitar and i wanted a guitar

BOdY SeEmS UnKlEaR, iS It a kOmPlEtE SeNtEnKe?

Let this be a lesson to you
As crossed is always telling me
You represent bee and must be held to a higher standard
Lying to admins is a punishable offence, so lying to players should be too
Imma have to slap your Jannie balls now

kinky, but no ERP pls @LastCrusader105

Reeeeee why am i still banned

Accepted, Unbanned.

Sorry for the hassle man