Non-randomised names are harming MRP

So this is a controversial opinion, but having static names harms the RP on sage imo. Imma give you some examples.

So first, there’s people like Cherry Leuse, who make it their entire round to upload pro-felind laws to AI, pro-Felind nanites etc. etc. every single round. And they are known for this, and they are often validhunted as a result.

Then there is people like Gukle. Every single round, Gukle can get away with murder because, well, he’s Gukle, and does silly RP ideas and everyone loves him. Normal person declares independence from station? Hunted down for treason. Gukle does it? its fine, he’s Gukle, he’s cool and quirky and has a following.

That’s just some examples, there are many more. Mimo used to be an example, people would literally expect some major shit to go down if Mimo was in the round.

I just, don’t like it. I know having your own custom crafted character is part of the RP, but at the same time it is just counterintuitive.

I would definitely be in favour of forced random names. What’s your guys opinion on it?

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Just ban people who metagame/metagrudge/metafriend others based on others’ statics
we shouldn’t force everyone to have random names just because few special people cannot behave

with same logic we should remove antags because someone might bone without a pass

remove antags from MRP so real gamers have to come to golden


I get your point, but if you have to play a random character evry round its kinda impossible to, you know, establish as character? For obvious reasons.
Even if you dont come up with a fixed big ass backstory and just improv (like me!) it’d still suck ass if you couldnt even have the 3 basic bullet points that make up my charcter

I’m not a fan of metafriending any more than metagrudging and I think the rounds are a lot more fair as a whole with random names across the board, but this does also kill persistent character RP. I’d certainly enjoy rounds more if it were enforced on everyone because you can still play your character as the character you’ve come up with in your head… But something is still lost for those players without a consistent name to go with the character.

Ban the players who abuse it, not everyone altogether.


This sorta gets back into the persistent Sec records thread from a bit back. Namely that if I see Gukle being a shitter to Sec I at least know what to expect to some degree. Whereas if RandoMcGreytide the Assistant is being a shitter and Ive literally never seen them before I might assume that they are using randomized names to prevent people from recognizing them as being persistent shitters.

Name some positives if you want to make a fair and honest argument.

Secret Gukle complain thread?

I don’t really mind the non-random names, I use a static name myself but would not object in having to use random names.

Might be an idea to have forced random name/body rounds at times (not permanent).

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May have been my inspiration, but he’s definitely not alone

Its hard to RP well and stay in character every single round if you have no access to character creation as you are no longer invested in the character.

We gonna ban sage’s entire security staff?


Definitely a good point. I wish there were a halfway point.

Yes we are.

I dont see how persistent characters w/consistent personalities and built up ideas of how they function with other players/characters is somehow damaging to an RP setting? Like…have you ever been to an HRP server? If anything forcing randomized names is actually more damaging to RP as a whole. Seriously, go look at any HRP server, there are players who do exactly what you are talking about there too and its not damaging in any way.

Shut up, please just shut up


Server ban so they can come to golden

do you really want them in golden though?

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Why wouldn’t I? If they only broke MRPs terrible shitty rules there’s no need for a network ban. Become a goldenchad.