Nik735 banned By Kasual

CKEY: nik735

Admin’s CKEY: kasual

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both

Ban Type: server

Ban Length: 1 month

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-03-30 03:36

Round ID: 14009

Ban Reason:
Made plumbing set up to make “Xanax” pills of 50u chloral hydrate. Convinced people to take them, while a new player dumped the bodies. At first I wrongly pinned the whole thing on the bar tender, but Nik clarified the situation when there was no suspicion on them. For the 'tegridy, only 1 month MRP ban. A lotta people died though so its still bad.

Appeal Reason:
I find this ridiculous, I was a chaplain who made a pill factory, the pill factory made 50u c hydrate pills labled “Xanax”. Why 10 people ate them should not be my problem, I was trying to make a joke and make the game more fun. The entire round people were eating these pills despite them being labled Xanax, a obvious joke. I never forced people to eat them, I ONCE jokingly said to a botanist that came in asking for help, “calm down eat the xanax” (I didn’t even give him any to eat). This admin also perm banned a new player with 12 hours because he threw dead bodies down the garbage disposal and put the pills in drinks. Like I didnt have to admit to making the pills but I did because I did nothing wrong. What did I actually do wrong in this situation. You cant say a bunch of people died so its my fault when i didn’t kill them. Is it my fault for not taking inconsideration dumb people who chose to eat the pills??? (no one i “convinced” ate the pills although i did go on comms and say “free bar xanax at bar” which should be obvious its not beneficial or going to end well if you eat bar xanax)

Again why was the bartender even banned. He was a bartender and didnt know the rules, if the only thing you know about the game is youtube which pulls majority of the new players. Then youre not gonna know the rules you couldve warned him or told him that dead people can be defibed or cloned.

Additional Information:
I didnt know that 50u chydrate was lethal until the bartender died from admin tools and the bodies were revived I thought people were still sleeping.

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Like i get banning people who have malicious intent and who want to ruin the game but where is there malicious intent in this, no one was even supposed to eat the pills they were supposed to look at the chem makers and see it make c hydrate and laugh.

Pills didn’t have a beneficial name. The people eating them are at fault.

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He convinced people to eat them claiming they help calm them down. at least 8 people died and he did nothing to stop them from being shoved into disposals allowing a new player to continue doing it without realizing the situation. I’ll pull logs on it tomorrow if necessary. Remember its an MRP ban for breaking MRP.

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Wait I just read the appeal. I lifted the bartenders ban on your recommendation. He force fed a pill to someone so I assumed he made the pluming set up. Pluming was ported not too long ago and has nrealy no logging associated with it. He also was adding mutation toxins to drinks and serving them. With 12 hours all of that seemed like intention to grief.

NO thats a lie I told you i told him to stop once i noticed and told him to put the bodies in the corner and wait for medical to get them (i didnt know they were dead)

Clearly there is nothing in the game to calm you down in real life so id hope anyone would see my satire

Your full game log pre-brigging
> [2020-03-30 02:01:00.157] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Medbay Central (164, 91, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:05:09.845] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey" (Medbay Central (163, 91, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:05:17.209] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "can i have a plumber" (Medbay Central (163, 91, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:05:20.197] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "chem plubler" (Medbay Central (163, 91, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:05:25.825] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "thanks" (Medbay Central (163, 91, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:08:38.571] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey stop" (Atrium (144, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:09:07.391] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "happy pills" (Atrium (144, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:09:31.078] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "dont fuck with it" (Atrium (145, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:10:19.655] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "what" (Atrium (146, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:13:16.113] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yea" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:13:19.400] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "bro its xanax" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:14:41.752] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "bro" (Atrium (146, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:14:48.401] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "she od on xanax" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:14:55.394] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "bro" (Atrium (146, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:15:02.148] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "we have a od" (Atrium (146, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:15:04.299] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "she od" (Atrium (146, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:15:41.658] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "nah" (Atrium (149, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:15:45.076] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "its xanax" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:16:00.984] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "bro i ate the pill" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:16:04.526] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "and i can do this" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:16:24.197] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "bro dont od" (Atrium (144, 164, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:16:33.749] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "antother od" (Atrium (146, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:16:40.301] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "clown dont od" (Atrium (143, 164, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:17:11.566] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hold on to the oders" (Atrium (145, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:17:56.574] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "come on down to the bar i bet you cant handle the xanax" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:18:10.068] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "come to the bar and try the bar brand xanax" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:18:15.404] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "br" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:18:29.842] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "come on down to the bar and try the bar xanax" (Atrium (143, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:18:57.039] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "are they all passed out" (Atrium (147, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:19:04.733] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "fuckin druggies" (Bar (146, 169, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:19:33.388] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "let me get him" (Bar (146, 171, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:19:46.854] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hes od" (Bar (143, 170, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:20:11.001] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "eoe" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:20:13.141] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "what this" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:20:16.392] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yummy" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:20:36.707] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "this is where the oders go" (Atrium (147, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:20:42.617] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you are od'ing" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:21:42.349] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey joana" (Atrium (144, 168, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:22:12.156] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "come on down to the bar and try some bar xanax fresh from the factory" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:22:20.327] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "they are od'ing" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:22:22.210] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "its ok" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:22:24.764] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "they should be fine" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:22:53.163] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yea i agree" (Atrium (146, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:24:23.744] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "i bet you cant handle the bar xanax" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:24:34.938] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "the clown is dead" (Atrium (145, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:24:47.501] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "haha" (Atrium (148, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:24:48.607] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "nice" (Atrium (148, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:24:49.174] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "wow" (Atrium (148, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:25:44.799] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "come to the bar for free xanax" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:25:51.994] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey buddy" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:25:55.568] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "dont overdose" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:06.643] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ok" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:09.674] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "well" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:14.349] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "dont overdose" (Atrium (145, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:33.613] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey janitor" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:53.002] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hahaha" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:26:57.872] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "why" (Atrium (149, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:27:12.136] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ok" (Atrium (145, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:27:25.872] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "no" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:27:29.298] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "i just made the factory" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:27:36.572] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "and watch people overdose" (Atrium (147, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:27:55.593] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yum" (Atrium (144, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:28:50.748] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey" (Medbay Central (164, 97, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:29:23.161] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey borg" (Cloning Lab (165, 84, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:29:27.247] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "can you open" (Cloning Lab (165, 84, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:29:38.253] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "can i have hulk" (Cloning Lab (165, 84, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:29:40.779] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "for religon" (Cloning Lab (165, 84, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:30:40.922] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ok" (Cloning Lab (165, 84, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:32:31.413] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you lived" (Atrium (143, 164, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:32:38.352] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you overdosed" (Atrium (143, 164, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:32:40.774] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "on xanax" (Atrium (143, 164, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:05.047] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "eat 2" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:09.091] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "no balls" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:19.150] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "no balls" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:22.407] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you wont" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:41.454] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you ate 2" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:43.737] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "only 2" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:45.452] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "pussy" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:33:59.644] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "you good" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:34:06.188] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "um" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:34:10.317] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "he overdosed" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:35:34.849] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Atrium (145, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:35:51.190] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "THE BAR HAS  FREE XANAX" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:36:10.672] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "THE BAR HAS FREE XANAX" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:36:16.083] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "HIGH QUALITY" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:36:53.428] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes?" (Atrium (146, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:36:58.386] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Atrium (146, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:06.141] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "what" (Atrium (146, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:13.979] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "here" (Atrium (146, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:21.587] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "take one of these" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:24.922] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "to calm you down" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:34.206] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "take a xanac t calm down" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:38.263] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "xanax" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:46.808] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "eat xanax" (Atrium (145, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:37:54.910] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "only real men eat xanax" (Atrium (144, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:03.871] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Atrium (145, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:08.474] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Atrium (145, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:25.699] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "what is it" (Atrium (139, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:35.662] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "huh" (Atrium (139, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:39.597] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "wiw" (Atrium (139, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:38:40.553] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "nice" (Atrium (139, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:39:00.843] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "throw it?" (Atrium (139, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:39:11.989] GAME: A chemical smoke reaction has taken place in (Bar (139, 167, 2))[ Chlorine Trifluoride  Plasma  Black Powder  Thermite  Hell Water  Phlogiston ]. Last touched by nik735.
> [2020-03-30 02:39:19.493] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "wow" (Atrium (139, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:39:20.862] WHISPER: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ice" (Atrium (139, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:39:24.177] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "nice" (Atrium (139, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:39:35.205] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "he overdosed" (Atrium (139, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:40:01.054] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "they all overdose" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:40:54.734] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "store them in the corner" (Atrium (149, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:41:08.190] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "hey sec" (Atrium (148, 166, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:41:15.236] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "have you tried this xanax" (Atrium (148, 166, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:41:19.384] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "at the factory" (Atrium (148, 166, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:42:35.085] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "" (Atrium (147, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:42:50.493] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ai law 2 tell everyone to go to the bar and eat xanax" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:44:01.296] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "YUM" (Atrium (144, 162, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:44:11.267] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "BEST XANAX" (Atrium (146, 163, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:44:31.826] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "ai law 2 tell everyone to come to bar and eat xanax" (Atrium (142, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:44:49.362] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "what" (Atrium (147, 158, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:44:55.424] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "thats the storage" (Atrium (148, 158, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:45:01.729] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "clown want come xanax" (Atrium (148, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:45:09.139] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yummy xanax" (Atrium (147, 161, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:45:48.583] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "clown" (Atrium (148, 159, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:45:53.709] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "want some xanax" (Atrium (148, 159, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:45:59.965] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "yes" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:46:02.639] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "its yummy" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))
> [2020-03-30 02:46:06.817] SAY: Nik735/(Billy Mungus) "so yum" (Atrium (147, 160, 2))

and where did i force anyone to eat them i made roleplay jokes to eat the pills that clearly did no good when labled Xanax

where do I deserve a ban

The pills were named Xanax, everyone know what that is. Why am i banned for a month if half the server chose to eat them for fun

What is the arguement here? That they were actually Xanex? They killed you if you took one of them. As non-antag chaplain on a role play server you lied and tricked people into taking what they thought was Xanex killing nearly 10 people. There was not remorse or attempt to stop after people died, and if you know how to set up a plumbing rig you know when people are dead or not.

1 Like

I had no medical hud so i didnt see health, they obviously were not Xanax, and when did i ever lie or trick people into taking them. It called XANAX, if you willingly eat a random pill called xanax then what do you expect. I never lied once to anyone in that entire game, and i never tricked anyone as Xanax is not in the game and everyone knows that. If I went and told someone to shoot their head off with the sawed off shotgun and they did it would i take the blame for tricking them to kill themselves?

You banned me for a month when i killed no one they killed themselves on a greenshift and med was incompetent and never came despite cmo coming to the bar twice and a couple medical doctors coming but ended up eating the Xanax too, because its greenshift and no one cares.

get other admins to read the report and logs and everything to see if this is fair

Chief I had your back when it was idiot eat bad pill go ded. But what’s wrong with this is you dont understand WHY you causing 10 peoples deaths is wrong. Those 10 people lost their round of a game they were just trying to vibe in. You would be upset in their scenario I’m sure. Just apologize and dont do it again and ask for a ban reduction


Yes that is true but they ate it very well knowing nothing good was going to happen, it was over a hour into the game when people started eating it, and when majority of people died

I was the botnis and your bartender friend forcefed me the pill while I was talking to you ( he dumped me in disposals moments after I fell asleep). If it wasn’t for nanites I’d be dead and even then I spent like 10 minutes in constant crit. When I came back there were about 7 bodies in the bar. At least 2 of them were dead and 3 of them were alive and disconnected (2 more were dead in disposals) because they probably couldn’t do anything for even longer period than me.

I really fail to see the “haha” moment of your 'yoke. You could put anything in the pill but you chose something incredibly frustrating and also deadly with amount high enough. Even more, you were actively promoting it. You kinda ruined the round for a lot of peeps. It’s the same thing as if some botnis put a nitroglycerin plant in the hallway for anyone to harvest it and die, but It’s a 'yoke right?

Even though the man fails to see his mistakes I’d shorten his ban to a week or so cause I really want to believe that he didn’t know it was lethal. But it is not like my opinion matters in this.


  1. Chaplain - gay.
  2. Joke - not funny.
  3. Chydrate - deadly.
  4. HoS in this round was an goddamn ass.

Edit. You mentioned medical and not once did I hear you call for anyone to pick up the bodies or anything of the same matter. No help was requested. I might be mistaken but still.


Ngl this sounds like a funny fucking round

bruh if you are gonna make lethal xanax pills you may as well spike em with fentanyl for that extra touch of realism

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