An idea for a new antag. Only appears when there is high number of traitors. Their mission is to find the traitors in the station and get rid of them.
-they are not allowed to declare their secret identity.
-they have generic syndie items, so that if their identity becomes clear, they can be considered traitors and valid. You start with syndie items and you are unable to buy new ones better hide em chief.
“As a high ranked agent of NT, your true identity is a secret and must remain a secret at all cost. Exposure of your mission will put nanotrasens reputation in great danger. Our employees are not aware of the fact that we already have access to syndicate technology and we secretly use them”
-their main ability is contacting Centcomm. They get intel about traitors from this way. These intel are never clear. They only point at some things like: their race, department and traits. (Example: your target is a felind, your target works in medical department)
-at start you can’t tell if the intel belong to one person, for example, if you have 3 intel saying: moth, cargo, nearsighted, you can’t tell if it is a nearsighted moth working at cargo, or there are 3 traitors and one is moth, one works in cargo and one is nearsighted. But if round takes more time the agent will gain more connectable intel
-agent is not allowed to simply go and kill a person. One of the following conditions must be true:
the intel clearly says that the person is a syndicate agent (has all unknown slots fillex)
the agent has saw them working againts the station ( murdering, stealing high value items, grand sabotaging or using syndicate items with malicious intent) even the captian or AI’s word is not to be trusted
the agent checked the person and it is confirmed that they are traitor. How? This:
-the agent is able to arrest people and check them in maints or such, he is able to use flashes in a “mind swiping” mode. Which makes the person forget the arrest. Also he starts to get random traitors pda codes after sometime (gets the code but the game wont tell you whose pda uses the code)
-the agent is not allowed to murderbone under any condition, and if crew rise againts you, you should try to run back to centcomm as fast as possible.
EDIT: forgot to mention 2 things about items and the check part