Nancy Druid Player Report (and the AI that round) Now with epic metagrudge!

In-game report:

   CKEY: TheMaggotGuy

   Offender’s CKEY: NotMegatron

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Nancy Druid

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY):

   Round Number: 17925

   Rules Broken: No Powergaming, No Self-Antag

   Incident Description: I was the lawyer. She tresspassed into sec, beat me into crit, handcuffed me, then tortured me, put me in a straightjacket, and surgeried out my tongue. All because my voice was annoying. Severe fucking over-escalation and self antag behavior. What the fuck. All as assistant.

   Additional Information: I had a radio on me directly set to AI Private so the AI could hear what was going on in sec to prevent harm, when I was stripped it was still listening, so I begged the AI to get help, to tell sec to send people to med. Nothing.

No admins were on.

Fun photos of the torture:

I have the log saved if anyone needs some direct quotes

Initial attack, with no warning

Pham Chan coughs.

[Common] Peter Langling says, “Whats wrong with atmos? And why is it draining oxygen.”

[Security] Kurt Hairpin says, “I’ll find em.”

Pham Chan vomits up hair.

[Common] Peter Langling says, “And nitrogen.”

[Security] Michael Sagan says, “AI close the fucking brig.”
[AI Private] Michael Sagan says, “AI close the fucking brig.”

[Common] Peter Langling says, “Dix medbay ocy.”
[AI Private] Peter Langling says, “Dix medbay ocy.”

Pham Chan ;ai why is secuwty aww owpen.

[AI Private] The corgi exclaims, “Bark!”

[Common] Peter Langling says, “Oxy, i mean.”

Nancy Druid robusted you in the chest with the emergency toolbox!

[Common] Crabus Ravus flutters, “Has someoen seen George Peterson i fear he has been killed.”

Nancy Druid hits the Brig air scrubber #8 with the emergency toolbox!

[Common] Peter Langling says, “And FIX.”

Pham Chan hewp.

Nancy Druid attacked you in the chest with the seclite!

Pham Chan attacked Nancy Druid in the chest with the synthesizer!

Unknown tries to remove Randy Laver’s security HUDSunglasses.

Nancy Druid attacked you in the chest with the seclite!

[Security] Kurt Hairpin asks, “Owen who?”

Pham Chan attacked Nancy Druid in the chest with the synthesizer!

Nancy Druid robusted you in the chest with the emergency toolbox!

Pham Chan attacked Nancy Druid in the chest with the synthesizer!

Nancy Druid robusted you in the chest with the emergency toolbox!

Pham Chan attacked Nancy Druid in the chest with the synthesizer!

Nancy Druid robusted you in the chest with the emergency toolbox!

Pham Chan attacked Nancy Druid in the chest with the synthesizer!

Nancy Druid hits the Firing Range air scrubber #1 with the emergency toolbox!

[Common] B.O.S.S states, “Not on suit sensors or cameras.”

Nancy Druid robusted you in the chest with the emergency toolbox!

You feel your heart slow down…

[Common] Wall E states, “The biggest treats to humans are them selfs.”

Nancy Druid kicked you!

Nancy Druid grabs you passively!

Nancy Druid grabs you aggressively!

Nancy Druid starts lifting Pham Chan onto their back…

[Common] The Automated Announcement System coldly states, “Yolanda Styles has signed up as Station Engineer”

Fun Powergame looting

Nancy Druid puts the police baton into the satchel.

Nancy Druid puts the flash into the satchel.

[Security] Michael Sagan says, “Help ring.”

[Security] Michael Sagan says, “Owen killing me.”

No active admins are online, your adminhelp was sent to the admin irc.

[Common] Kurt Hairpin asks, “Ring?”

Medical Cyborg-898 states, “Hey.”
[AI Private] Medical Cyborg-898 states, “Hey.”

[Security] Kurt Hairpin asks, “Ring?”

Medical Cyborg-898 states, “Hey.”
[AI Private] Medical Cyborg-898 states, “Hey.”

Nancy Druid is trying to put handcuffs on you!

Medical Cyborg-898 states, “This guy was dead.”
[AI Private] Medical Cyborg-898 states, “This guy was dead.”
[Security] B.O.S.S states, “Brig i guess.”

Nancy Druid handcuffs you.

[Common] Camryn Hynes says, “Uh oh.”

Medical Cyborg-898 states, “Should he stay dead.”
No active admins are online, your adminhelp was sent to the admin irc.

The Part where the AI ignores me and she threatens to remove my tongue for being annoying

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font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .deconversion_message {color: #5000A0; font-size: 24px; font-style: italic;} .brass {color: #BE8700;} .heavy_brass {color: #BE8700; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .large_brass {color: #BE8700; font-size: 24px;} .big_brass {color: #BE8700; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .ratvar {color: #BE8700; font-size: 48px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .alloy {color: #42474D;} .heavy_alloy {color: #42474D; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .nezbere_large {color: #42474D; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .nezbere {color: #42474D; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .nezbere_small {color: #42474D;} .sevtug_large {color: #AF0AAF; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .sevtug {color: #AF0AAF; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .sevtug_small {color: #AF0AAF;} .inathneq_large {color: #1E8CE1; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .inathneq {color: #1E8CE1; 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font-size: 24px;} .small {font-size: 8px;} .big {font-size: 24px;} .reallybig {font-size: 32px;} .extremelybig {font-size: 40px;} .greentext {color: #00FF00; font-size: 24px;} .redtext {color: #FF0000; font-size: 24px;} .clown {color: #FF69Bf; font-size: 24px; font-family: “Comic Sans MS”, cursive, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;} .singing {font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, cursive, sans-serif; font-style: italic;} .his_grace {color: #15D512; font-family: “Courier New”, cursive, sans-serif; font-style: italic;} .hypnophrase {color: #0d0d0d; font-weight: bold; animation: hypnocolor 1500ms infinite;} @keyframes hypnocolor { 0% { color: #0d0d0d; } 25% { color: #410194; } 50% { color: #7f17d8; } 75% { color: #410194; } 100% { color: #3bb5d3; } } .phobia {color: #dd0000; font-weight: bold; animation: phobia 750ms infinite;} @keyframes phobia { 0% { color: #0d0d0d; } 50% { color: #dd0000; } 100% { color: #0d0d0d; } } .icon {height: 1em; width: auto;} .memo {color: #638500; text-align: center;} .memoedit {text-align: center; font-size: 16px;} .abductor {color: #800080; font-style: italic;} .mind_control {color: #A00D6F; font-size: 3; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .slime {color: #00CED1;} .drone {color: #848482;} .monkey {color: #975032;} .swarmer {color: #2C75FF;} .resonate {color: #298F85;} .monkeyhive {color: #774704;} .monkeylead {color: #774704; font-size: 2;} .connectionClosed, .fatalError {background: red; color: white; padding: 5px;} .connectionClosed.restored {background: green;} .internal.boldnshit {color: blue; font-weight: bold;} / HELPER CLASSES */ .text-normal {font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;} .hidden {display: none; visibility: hidden;}

Nancy Druid buckles you to Lifeform Stasis Unit!

You can’t move while buckled to Lifeform Stasis Unit!

Nancy Druid tries to remove your bee hood.

Pham Chan says, “Hewp.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Hewp.”

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Mike Hunt says, “Hey.”
[AI Private] Mike Hunt says, “Hey.”

Nancy Druid says, “No, no.”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid says, “No, no.”

Nancy Druid tries to remove your law and order headset.

Nancy Druid says, “You don’t talk like that.”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid says, “You don’t talk like that.”

Pham Chan says, “Nancy druid killing em.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Nancy druid killing em.”

Nancy Druid unbuckles you from Lifeform Stasis Unit.

Nancy Druid grabs you passively!

Peter Langling tries to remove your tan suit.

Mike Hunt grabs Edward Sharway passively!

Pham Chan says, “Nacy druid killed me.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Nacy druid killed me.”

Peter Langling tries to remove your bee costume.

Pham Chan says, “Help.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Help.”

Nancy Druid says, “If this is a murder attempt.”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid says, “If this is a murder attempt.”

Mike Hunt buckles Edward Sharway to the roller bed!

Pham Chan says, “Ai set hew to awwest.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ai set hew to awwest.”

Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling buckles you to Lifeform Stasis Unit!

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling applies the medical gauze on Pham Chan.

Nancy Druid says, “Then I am pretty bad at murder.”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid says, “Then I am pretty bad at murder.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling puts the medical gauze into the medical backpack.

Pham Chan says, “I am kidnapped.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “I am kidnapped.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Pham Chan says, “Ay med.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ay med.”

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood passively!

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Pham Chan says, “Hewp.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Hewp.”

Peter Langling attempts to spray the medical spray (styptic powder) on Pham Chan.

[Common] Owen McShain says, “Why are the fucking changelings more chill than security on this station. the fuck.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Scrubs, MD begins to clean up the blood.

Nancy Druid says, “Hey, Pete.”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid says, “Hey, Pete.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling sprays Pham Chan down with the medical spray (styptic powder).
You feel your bruises healing! It stings like hell!
Pham Chan screams!

Mike Hunt unbuckles Unknown from Lifeform Stasis Unit.

Pham Chan says, “Ai awert secuwity.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ai awert secuwity.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Mike Hunt grabs Unknown passively!

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood passively!

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling puts the medical spray (styptic powder) into the medical belt.

Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp.”

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Scrubs, MD begins to clean up the blood.

Nancy Druid asks, “Wanna help me surgically remove this guy’s tongue?”
[AI Private] Nancy Druid asks, “Wanna help me surgically remove this guy’s tongue?”

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood aggressively!

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.
Pham Chan says, “Awert secuwity.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Awert secuwity.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp cwew hawm.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp cwew hawm.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling attempts to spray the medical spray (styptic powder) on Pham Chan.

Scrubs, MD begins to clean up the blood.

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling sprays Pham Chan down with the medical spray (styptic powder).
You feel your bruises healing! It stings like hell!
Pham Chan screams!

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Mike Hunt starts to tighten his grip on Valengolas Girnhood!

Peter Langling puts the medical spray (styptic powder) into the medical belt.

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Peter Langling analyzes Pham Chan’s vitals.

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood by the neck!

Nancy Druid unbuckles you from Lifeform Stasis Unit.

Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp cwew hawm.”
[AI Private] Pham Chan says, “Ai hewp cwew hawm.”

Medibot tends the wounds of Nancy Druid!
Medibot is trying to tend the wounds of Nancy Druid!

Medibot places its tools back into itself.

Medibot declares, “Pham Chan, you appear to be injured!”

Scrubs, MD begins to clean up the blood.

You feel cool air surround you. You go numb as your senses turn inward.

Peter Langling says, “Or that.”

Nancy Druid grabs you passively!

Mike Hunt grabs Unknown passively!

Nancy Druid says, “So.”

Scrubs, MD begins to clean up the blood.

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood passively!

Medibot is trying to tend your wounds!

Nancy Druid says, “Lemme into surgery.”

Mike Hunt grabs Valengolas Girnhood aggressively!

Medibot tends your wounds!
Medibot is trying to tend your wounds!

Mike Hunt starts to tighten his grip on Valengolas Girnhood!

Pham Chan gasps!
The monkey (956) gasps!

Peter Langling gasps!
Mike Hunt gasps!

Nancy Druid says, “I’ll take care of him.”

The Part where she says "AHelp Me Bitch" and laughs

OOC: The Maggot Guy: nancy druid mass self antag

OOC: CoffeePanda: AR:CE was a IPC

OOC: Yuri Vitch: So we vored em

OOC: CoffeePanda: There is no LAW 2.

OOC: The Maggot Guy: fucking broke into sec to kill me

Bodie BumbleBee has died at Emergency Shuttle .

OOC: Not megatron: HAH

RR-953 has died at Emergency Shuttle .

OOC: The Maggot Guy: had cuffs and shit

Faye Delphne has died at Kitchen .

DS-198 has died at Emergency Shuttle .

OOC: Not megatron: ahelp me bitch

OOC: Xxchromechops: then ar:ce was just mean :frowning:

OOC: The Maggot Guy: ripped out my tongue

Nancy Druid gasps!

OOC: The Maggot Guy: no admins

OOC: Not megatron: please

OOC: ImTheSameAnon: Our rules were that you all enter but one leaves but thats okay

OOC: CoffeePanda: AI said he was dead

OOC: KiltinAction: WHO BLEW UP SCI

Otto Wittman has died at Emergency Shuttle .

Owen McShain has died at Emergency Shuttle .

OOC: Not megatron: oh, well then make a forum complaint

OOC: ImTheSameAnon: i still lived so idc

OOC: CoffeePanda: Why rescue a dead person with no defib.

OOC: The Maggot Guy: yeah

OOC: The Maggot Guy: enjoy the player reprt

Edit: Metagrudge time

In round 17931 I was the captain. She tresspasses into the HoP office after somebody else, takes out a syringe gun, shoots it into my chest, and fucking turns me into a slime simplemob. She was not antag.
Again, no admins.
The HoP AND the HoS were both witnesses, as was a mediborg.
After the round she said she “got permission”. Ok. Enjoy the ban for severe self-antag 2 rounds on one guy to the point you effectively killed the captain for your grudge. Epic

Summoning a couple admins as well as Nancy herself
@NotMegatron @Ruko @bloons3

You played as an annoying piece of shit, spamming comms with your felind bullshit. Everyone wanted you dead but yet you continued being a degenerate. What nancy did was based and everyone cheered when you died. Don’t ahelp like a pussy when you’re baiting people to kill you.


I did not kill him post limit post limit

He’s done this multiple times before, must’ve been a different round I was thinking of, either way my point’s still valid; basically nobody likes it when he does this shit

That’s…still severe overescalation/self-antag.


Ah yes, because the MRP rules clearly state you can kill someone and rip out their tongue for being annoying with literally no previous interaction

I’m being ironic bro

Again you can’t fucking kill people for being annoying, unless they are being excessively annoying and also targeting you exclusively. I never met her before in the round. This was random, unwarranted murder.

you tried to though


What tergius said. You don’t fucking kill somebody for saying “Hewwo” over the comms

I accidently hit reply after only replying to one part of a comment and I don’t want to spam

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Yeah I guess I’ll just grit my teeth and deal with uwu catgirl (IRONICLOL) whenever this guy decides to get on

anyways I think all that’s needed to be said has been said so…
someone who knows how to ping admemes get them in here?

exactly. if you give in they’ve won.

summoning more admins
@Caecilius @admins @GameAdmin

Hello, this is me, the AI, i was dealing with atmos failing on the entire station for some unknown reason

Things that were happening seconds before and after your message are:

someone fucking turned on siphon in the hallways
Armory was being broken into, and i tried to get their name, and trying to track them
shitloads of atmos alarms
Gr3y.T1d3 virus in brig
and i was trying to figure why the fuck station air is not being refilled with air

So, fucking sorry i missed your 4 messages in your retard speak while dealing with bigger issues
if you expect people not to make mistakes go play on hrp or something

also gonna leave that here

EDIT: one more


my take on this:
maggot was trying to start shit and stir shit up, also seemingly broke some of the RP-related rules
there were no admins on so he faced mob justice
whilst what nancy did was against the rules and definitely overescalation, it should be taken into account that maggot has a history of doing this shit for attention and probably WANTED this to happen just so he could cause more problems on the forums

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Nancy just did some pretty epic metagrudge shit this round too so I’m gonna update the post when it’s over

“Im a pwetty kitty”

Doesn’t expect to get butchered

Man this guy is a fucking winner


Round 17931 epic metagrudge

This round I was captain. So she runs into the HoP office after somebody, and shoots me with a syringe that turns me into a slime simplemob. Pretty epic self antag.

In the OOC at round’s end she says “I got permission”. Epic

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Can confirm for round 17931

Straight up ran into HoP office without a word, shot them with a syringe gun and turned captain into a slime.
Not to mention they tried ordering me (cyborg) to spray them with water killing them as they are no longer crew. Like, what? And no. I played till end of round, they weren’t antag.


I gave the crew plenty of opportunities to stop me. At one point, I walked up to the HOS and said, “hey, I’m gonna turn the captain into a slime” and he said “great, I want to watch”

And you should have. Why didn’t you?

Here’s a fun rule:
Spamming radio/communications makes you valid.

Here’s another rule:

Validhunting (seeking/baiting players to kill in validity) in turn, makes you valid.

I killed the captain and was in turn swiftly executed. See you in 3 months when my ban wears off, everybody.

This is really hard to post, given that I’m normally strictly loyal to the rules and this is definitely over-escalation. Full-on UWU-speak is some really cringe-ass thing to do, and I can almost guarantee I would have sent someone after you to kill you if I had been on.

I’m not putting my foot down as head on this matter, I’m bringing it up for discussion since this could actually be a serious precedent to set, but I would never feel good about myself banning someone for putting and end to that.

  1. Admin Discretion
    Admins have the authority to ‘ignore’ rules when they feel it’s in the best interest of the server/playerbase. They will, however, be fully accountable for their actions.

Kudos you to you Ruko for taking this thread from amusing to landmark.
For the sake of discussion, isn’t the captain automatically valid for spamming comms, and thus clearing me?


I don’t think forceful surgical removal of organs due to cringe cat language should be left unpunished no matter how IC justified it might be.

This happened on MRP after all.