Naming Guidelines Poll

And herein lays the major problem with Bee and its Naming Guidelines. Roleplay standards are heavily enforced and strict while having some of the fewest RP mechanics and aides in any server. As well, every round has to be treated like it’s a not a normal shift (Things aren’t usually this crazy) but that means referencing past events isn’t supposed to be allowed. This means character development isn’t happening once again by the rules. I do not like Bee’s roleplaying rules, I think they stifle roleplay and that’s why I’m not playing on Bee anymore. Maybe if it improves in many roleplay areas that will change, but only time will tell. In the meantime, many competent roleplayers will leave the server as they have in the past and are now. And yes, there are many competent roleplayers leaving this server.


Likely never going to happen… Been shut down numerous times already. Also if “my name doesn’t fit because of these IC reasons” worked we probably wouldn’t be here…


While I do agree with most of that, I do also like a negative continuity setting for RP where everything resets after each “episode” and disagree that you can’t build a character in that environment. You can’t build continuity, but you can still build a consistent character that others grow to recognize and know without referencing specific past events like that time some asshat killed Kenny.

Yes, I had to google what this is called and I’m not 100% certain if it’s the right term for RP or not

That said, I also wouldn’t be against actual continuity of story, but that would have to come with a whole host of new rules to actually work: Most notably permadeath of anyone that has ever been an antagonist in pretty much any round… and also powergaming would have to shift because now everyone is used to being under constant threat and has very much a good reason to be armed to the teeth at all times.

This is another crazy extreme that isn’t necessary. Servers that don’t have continuity problems for things like this simply have rules stating that being an antag wasn’t canon and whoever did something to you as antag in a previous life was something that happened, but you forgot who it was. Loose rules on this kind of thing is just easier for everyone involved.

Oh right we’re talking about servers with whitelists which guarantee a pretty decent level of player quality on average.


Oh yeah, most roleplay servers do have that…

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I’m honored to be referenced in this conversation, even if the whole naming convention thing is a “uuuugh” topic for me.

Now go pop open a Scrabble Dictionary/Thesaurus, A to latin translator, and the largest collection of Moth jokes you can find, because Kalavi Lumen can literally be translated to “Proclaim Lamp” from latin, You know what to do, Go forth and do it.

(additionally, it is serendipity that provided me such a good name, from the begining it was “kerlin lunit” trying to make a lunatic joke, it just so happens that K and L are also used as the starting letters of my current name.)


I’m one step ahead because I took latin in high school.

I don’t remember much of it though tbh, so I sure didn’t recognize Kerlin and I definitely don’t recognize or remember how to properly gender or use most words

Kerlin was a “given name” so yeah it got nixxed in favor of Kalavi

smh just let me be called Big Dick Johnson already :pensive:


I do feel as though if the naming guidelines are kept tight around our necks the server will die though. Nobody is going to flesh out a character and be 100% willing to throw them to the curb. Like if it were up to me, the oozelings wouldn’t have a specific last name, and “color name” would be a little more vague to allow say

Or Lapis, or Shamrock

Or a felinid named Raised-By-Lizards, whose whole gimmick is they don’t naturally hiss they just draw out any 's’es to sound more like the lizardpeople that raised them.

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May I recommend “Heughs Richard” with Johnson retained?

@Ruko is aquiles castro a valid name for humans

Unless there an issue with it reading like Achilles, I don’t see why not? I’m not the one who gets to make that call though.

You’d be shocked at the amount of names that reference other series that I spot people using in-game.

But they’re subtle enough to be not intrusive and are pretty cool actually.


Is there an Avery Johnson in the audience?

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