Naevi mentor application

Your CKEY: Naevi

Your Discord: Naevi#6611

How long have you been playing ss13?: My adventure with ss13 started around 9 months ago. First few steps on low population servers to learn mechanics. Then on /tg/, then once Sage was announced, i transfered to beestation.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: I am unsure if anyone could. As i might not be easy to recognize, nor my characters. I spend a lot of time on observe.
Characters i posses at the moment :
Rachel Kozlowsky - human
Peach Blossom - Felinid
ANI- Ipc
C.U.T.I.E. - borg

Game Experience (More Detailed): As i mentioned previously. I started playing space station from /tg/. Gained most of my experience there. Then switched to Sage where i improved my skills. I have also been playing on Paradise Station as Medical Doctor. (which i believe is somehow similar)

TG station playtime hours.

I have been playing mostly roboticist and silicon role. But went through many departments and many roles one by one gaining basic experience.

Beestation playtime hours

My hours on bee were spent trying new roles I didn’t try before, and I’m still curious about most mechanics.

My strong sides:

  • robotics and construction
  • knowledge about IPC maintenance (i know i still have to improve in this matter but i believe i could be helpfull on how to fix dead ipc, ipc brain damage and such.)
  • Silicon roles policy
  • Medical Doctor knowledge including more or less reagents and chemistry - i believe medical doctor is one of my best roles so far
  • knowledge about most antagonists and their strategies.
  • general knowledge about most of the departments
  • Cold blooded and Role playing characters. (paperwork Hop, silicons acting like silicons) I really try to keep certain standard of role play. (except really intense or busy moments)
  • a lot of free time, that i spend on beestation. Including a lot of hours i spend on observing (as it might not give me credibility. i am learning really fast from what i see and observe. i also believe if i become mentor i could focus on answering other players answers while i am observing a round.)

My bad sides:

  • game knowledge but unrobust
  • lack of knowledge about Toxins, Virology, Geneticist (i barely touched it), atmos. (i am planning to expand my skills there one day, its just waiting for its turn)
  • lack of knowledge about setting up chemistry plumbing and grenades.
  • i am capable of setting up standard sm set up.

Hours i am mostly avaible at :
12am-2pm depends on the day but in this interval of time.
I spend more time here during working days.

I saw CUTIE the borg around, and while I thought you were derpy at the beginning I believe I did see an improvement over time and I also see ANI sometimes, you’re ok.


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I saw CUTIE the borg around, and while I thought you were derpy at the beginning I believe I did see an improvement over time and I also see ANI sometimes, you’re ok.


i believe i played as brig physician few times when you were HoS.

Thanks for reply :slight_smile:

You have decent hours on the server and a fair bit of game knowledge. I’ll throw you a +1 as I feel you could help the newer players.


T = +2

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  • 239 Hours
  • No notes
  • Good app with both strong and weak knowledge areas.

T: +4

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Decent hours, clean record, and you admit your faults.

I’ll give this a +2.

T: +6

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While it is probably not needed but here is my +1

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Accepting at a +7 and giving permissions now.

@Naevi damn dawg I was gonna tell you to run away but it seems you have already sold your soul and made the commitment.

Welp, have fun

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