Multiple Player Reports

CKEY: Demdisco

Your Discord:

Offender’s CKEY:

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Tyrone Jackson (Janitor), Ganila-737 (AI), Trofim Seleznev (RD)

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 06/29/2020

Round Number: 17866

Rules Broken: Self antagging, Silicon Rules

Incident Description: There was some stuff going on with security, apparently they weren’t doing the best job.

The janitor decided to try and kill one of the security members, the security member was losing horribly so I shoved the janitor a bit to help him out, not long after the janitor brings a plasma can to security so I try to take it away from him, however the AI that was actively trying to kill ALL security members on crewsimov because “they declared indepdenance making them now crew”, so when I tried to open a door to secure the canister, I got shocked with the door (AI broke crewsimov), then the RD and Janitor kept pushing me into the shocked door to kill me (as non antags).

Shortly after, the RD came back to sec and max capped it on a fucking greenshift.

The AI continued hunting down all security and trying to kill them, harming even non crew on its path to breaking its laws many times over.

Additional Information: There’s literally no way to justify maxcapping security on a greenshift or skipping escalation from being shoved to killing somebody because they didn’t let you kill / plasmaflood security. The AI was given a 1 week silicon job ban but the rest nothing.


Was HoS that round.

Can confirm that AI tried to electrify doors and siphon in brig.
Can confirm that RD maxcapped brig and bragged about it.

AI was banned already, but I think they deserve a harsher ban for this one.



@Ruko @Caecilius @PowerfulBacon

Trinity of reliable admemes, I summon thee.

Also >Sec going independent means not crew anymore

Crew list exists

Jesus that’s a fuckin’ month long silicon ban at least from outright stupidity

IIRC only brig doctor escaped the massacre.

@Caecilius You claimed this ages ago - take a look at it?