Ultimately I’m going with valid IC. Devil rounds are all about chaos and confusion. They had enough reason to suspect you. I’ll leave the thread open for a day or so to get any more questions or arguments.
So while I was digging through these logs I learned to use regular expression in notepad++ to really speed things up for me. Here is my understanding of the situation…
Jane helps to alert the station to devils so people know the gamemode.
[2020-02-07 17:03:11.093] TCOMMS: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) “HOO MAMA, WE GOT A DEVIL ON THIS STATION!” (language: Galactic Common) (Head of Personnel’s Office (97, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:03:19.482] TCOMMS: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) “An ANONYMOUS TIP!” (language: Galactic Common) (Head of Personnel’s Office (97, 132, 2))
This is the AI’s motivation for suspecting Jane. Also note that a Jane PDA message comes literally milliseconds after they are suspected, which is why their helpful tips weren’t taken at face value.
[2020-02-07 17:07:00.857] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “hop just gave an assistant ATLEAST hos access” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:07:01.037] PDA: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) (PDA: head of personnel PDA to V.O.X. (AI)) “Phil Smith. Alert security. They're a devil.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (97, 131, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:07:10.098] PDA: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) (PDA: �PDA to Jane Taylor (Head of Personnel)) “I dont trust you” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:07:47.662] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “and access to hos apparently” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:07:52.195] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “its Trevor O'Donnell” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:09:56.091] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “I just figured I'd inform you that trevor already broke into your office because the hop gave him access” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
Then an interaction between AI and Jane
[2020-02-07 17:10:30.343] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “HM, I WONDER HOW TREVOR GOT INTO THE HOS OFFICE.” (Brig (108, 165, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:10:35.024] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “the power just went out in port quarter maintenance” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:10:39.957] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “MAYBE IT WAS THE DEVIL.” (Brig (108, 165, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:10:53.044] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Some fuckin people on this station are ■■■■■■ed, I swear.” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:10:56.055] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “then why was he spotted in your office just before running off to the hos” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:11:04.262] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “perhaps YOU'RE the devil” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:11:13.238] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Then kill me. See what happens.” (Brig (110, 165, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:11:15.084] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “I was tracking him since he left your office he didnt sign anything” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:12:17.672] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) “also what kind of shitty access have you been handing out hop” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:12:35.865] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “I've handed out exactly 1 access change.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (95, 133, 2))
Then the execution exchange.
[2020-02-07 17:20:22.231] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “Cuff him” (Head of Personnel’s Office (98, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:20:38.732] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Oh no, please, take me to the brig.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (97, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:20:44.884] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “You're getting perma or executed” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:20:49.959] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “I thin kwe can execute” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:20:50.330] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Oh joy!” (Head of Personnel’s Office (91, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:20:59.876] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “HOS please may I do the execution?” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:10.754] SAY: AKcreeper/(Tom Dickerson) “hmm hold on” (Head of Personnel’s Office (95, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:12.056] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Executing an innocent woman. Shame shame.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:19.226] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Open my satchel. Do it.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:22.194] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Take its loot.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:22.428] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “If you don't shut it I'll execute you now” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:24.066] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “DONT OPEN IT” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:30.532] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “There's something special in there, that proves my innocence.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:31.031] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “It'll be a bomb” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:34.544] SAY: AKcreeper/(Tom Dickerson) “so we gonna execute her?” (Head of Personnel’s Office (95, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:37.385] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “Yeah” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:39.647] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “Lets do it here” (Head of Personnel’s Office (96, 132, 2))
(There was no captain, and the suspect was the HOP. HOS can authorize executions.)
[2020-02-07 17:21:41.726] SAY: AKcreeper/(Tom Dickerson) “aright” (Head of Personnel’s Office (95, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:41.729] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Okay.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:46.923] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Innocent woman.” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:48.601] SAY: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) “Executed” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:52.176] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “No chance to run” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:21:52.493] SAY: AKcreeper/(Tom Dickerson) “ill get you the honor of doing so detective” (Head of Personnel’s Office (95, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:05.102] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) “Not true” (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:05.408] ATTACK: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) has shot Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) with .38 bullet (NEWHP: -6.3) (Head of Personnel’s Office (94, 132, 2))
Delivering the body for cremation, and conversation showing in game belief that they killed a devil.
[2020-02-07 17:22:17.502] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) "Right she'll bleed out" (Head of Personnel's Office (94, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:27.080] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) "Wait lets cremate it" (Head of Personnel's Office (94, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:29.629] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "I have a contract..." (Head of Personnel's Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:36.614] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "It proves my innocence...." (Head of Personnel's Office (94, 133, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:22:44.497] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) "Carry to chaplain" (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:03.997] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "If I was the devil, I would've been a lizard..." (Head of Personnel's Office (97, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:10.579] SAY: Pill_U/(V.O.X.) "woah thats a lot of blood" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:12.657] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "They already have plenty of souls, you idiots." (Bridge (100, 132, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:43.323] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "You don't even know who the devil is!" (Aft Primary Hallway (108, 100, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:48.065] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) "We will be there soon" (Aft Primary Hallway (107, 90, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:56.042] SAY: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) "We're cremating HOP" (Departure Lounge (104, 76, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:57.775] WHISPER: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) "You're all doomed..." (Departure Lounge (102, 70, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:57.777] ATTACK: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) Has whispered his final words while in hard critical with -46 points of health! (Departure Lounge (102, 70, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:23:57.777] EMOTE: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless.... (Departure Lounge (102, 70, 2))
The Rez
[2020-02-07 17:26:17.480] ATTACK: TeomanTheGreat/(Phil Smith) has infernally revived via contract Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) (NEWHP: 100) (Chapel (82, 67, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:29:16.083] TCOMMS: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) [Common] “Jane taylor is definnetly bad.” (language: Galactic Common) (Research and Development (113, 104, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:29:38.305] TCOMMS: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) “I'm certainly not a giant fucking demon wandering in the shadows.” (language: Galactic Common) (Chapel (85, 70, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:29:47.109] TCOMMS: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) “But i did sell my soul to be alive again.” (language: Galactic Common) (Chapel (82, 67, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:29:57.033] TCOMMS: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) “Just to mock you morons.” (language: Galactic Common) (Chapel (82, 68, 2))
The end, Fs in chat.
[2020-02-07 17:40:04.240] PDA: Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) (PDA: head of personnel PDA to V.O.X. (AI)) “Oh yes, AI, i do wonder why there are people at your satelite. Are they all my servants? Because I'm a devil.” (Research Division (128, 99, 2))
[2020-02-07 17:44:29.109] ATTACK: Jackmonster7/(Karen Taker) has shot Voideuss/(Jane Taylor) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -106.7) (Chief Engineer’s Office (156, 145, 2))