MRP: Under what circumstances should combat mechs be built?

Combat mechs are an extremely powerful weapon that Roboticists can make which are incomparable to any other department equipment in late-game.

Many have called for higher restrictions on them, and a council ruling on what restrictions there should be got deadlocked before the council was ended.

Whether there should be OOC punishment for combat mechs (potentially classifying it as powergaming) is out of scope for this poll. This is merely to gauge what everyone’s opinions are of what IC restrictions there should be for combat mechs.

Under what circumstances should combat mechs be built?

  • Combat mechs require Captain or HoS permission before being built, as well as an Exosuit Tracking Beacon added
  • Combat mechs require Captain or HoS permission before being built, as well as an Exosuit Tracking Beacon added, unless it’s a red alert
  • Combat mechs only require RD permission before being built, as well as an Exosuit Tracking Beacon added
  • Any roboticist can build a combat mech for whatever reason, even on green alert, and they don’t need an Exosuit Tracking Beacon
  • I like it as it is - vague and undefined, where Security might arrest you for it one shift but then leave you alone the next

0 voters

so uh
i guess we can say goodbye to mechs?
please stop tgfying bee

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Just add your vote nerd

As far as I know, making combat mechs to test them in the testing range sci has is fine, they’re like max caps. but if you take them out for a spin and start doing shit, your ass is grass and it’s 4XX I believe.

It can be classified as Possession of a Restricted Weapon and admins have said it’s an IC issue whether Security want to enforce it as that or not.

Rules being up in the air, no surprise.
Some admins will say maxcaps can exist aslong as they’re not taken out of sci, and same for mechs
some will say making a maxcap is perma ban worthy and even thinking about making a durand / gygax is enough to hire a BTC assassin at you.
We should get clarification on what the current rules are.

Tbh I only find mechs power gamey when it’s the same person building them all the time and or they go out of there way to kill people.
But rules are vague

From an admin perspective, if you’re building a combat mech to take out in the halls, you need an actual IC reason to do so. If there’s no threat, you better have the permission of your boss (who made you put an exo beacon on it incase you go rogue).

I mean, you wouldn’t let some random guy drive around a fully loaded tank with no oversight.

Same reason why walking around in a hardsuit all round is seen as bad on MRP without reason to be.