[Mista Nailbrain#9048/Bosnia2()] Discord Admin report

 Your Discord: .David#3060

 Offender's Discord: Mista Nailbrain

 Rules Broken (if relevant): Selective rule enforcement.

 Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant):

 Incident Description:I was given a warning by Archanial because of me pinging @mentor, which caused my subsequent mute, however some things rub me the wrong way here.
  1. Two people moments before me have done the exact same thing and he didn’t seem to care nor did he warn them.

  2. People in the past have done it several times and the only time I can remember it ever being acted upon was in extreme cases when it was over an extended period of time and with clear malicious intent such as TheMaggotGuy.

  3. He himself constantly does it just for the memes.

  4. He doesn’t particularly like me either, making comments such as “I’m surprised Belone hasn’t been banned yet”, which leads me to believe that he has a grudge against me.

Additional Information: From an Anonymous Source.

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One pinged mentors with actual question, second one pinged them by mistake.

We give warnings for pining mentors/admin for no reason all the time. It seemed malicious because it seemed malicious. If you disagree appeal the warning on don’t be constantly on 2 points.

I have no idea why you mean. I don’t remember pinging mentors constantly.

I don’t take that into account when banning/warning people.

Oh wait fuck I’m sorry. I thought this was referring to when everyone was pinging mentor after cae left

you know I really want to make a WYCI joke but I can’t think of it.
Anyway yeah this did feel malicious at the time
But it might also just be discord being fucky
If it’s a tempmute that’s fine probably but a permamute is too far

If you don’t want people to hate your guts, don’t be an asshole. I can’t say anything else about this but arch already said

Final note this is an admin report not a mute appeal, which just makes me think you care more about seeing arch punished than you do getting unmuted.
Don’t be an asshole

People get warnings for meme pings all the time.
We do not feel like there was any reportworhty ill conduct here.

This should be an appeal, not a report.