Miriam Hornet Feedback

A nice cat, i really love ya!


unforgivable crime, stone the harlot


Very active and enjoyable to be around, though does try to be the ā€œmain characterā€ a little too often, which sometimes causes issues with other peopleā€™s shenanigans.
Feel that sheā€™d do better if she played up the cut-throat corpo vibe I sometimes get from her.


gm miriam you are my cat friend

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kinda cute

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with many others it is great to have you around

Miriam is a really skilled player, and RPs a lot while still doing their job.

I just wish they metaganged less.

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Pretty much maining brig phys lately, would like to hear feedback from sec mains about how Iā€™m doing.

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Saved me as brig phys a few weeks ago 11/10 would be chided again

Post how many hours you spend outside of brig and medbay

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Tbh I probably spend a lot of time outside the brig but thatā€™s more because I tend to play brig phys like a paramedic as sec often ends up getting in trouble on maints. It also depends on whatā€™s going on, so if something is happening Iā€™ll often stick next to an officer in order to keep them from dying.

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Heheheehe. moff blushy


whenever i feel down. thereā€™s always miriam themed slapstick routine to get me back up
Whenever im bored thereā€™s always miriam shenanigans to entertain me
miriam good patpat