This is the feedback thread for our Administrator Midijamz.
Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.
This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.
You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.
if this is the guy im thinking about. he sent an endless horde of felinids against me while i was a wiz defender. anyone who is for felinid killing is good in my book
I got nothing but good things to say about Midijamz, and especially now that they’re an admin working their hardest to help out MRP.
Always promoting an rp style that fits MRP, and killing it with knocking out tickets and answering reports. Very active, and even humors prayers sometimes which is pretty fun. Good a real nice attitude and friendly to deal with which is always a plus when it comes to admins.
Midi, like most of the newmins is pretty good. He does what he does really effectively, and out of all the current trialmins, he is probably my favorite. That is subject to change though, because if a different one grants my prayer of becoming something (like a drone round start) then they would instantly become my new favorite until a different min did it.
Only positive things for the couple newmins I am aware of.