Michiru2 server ban by winterdarkraven

I would’ve fucking fixed it if cold plasma didn’t instantly kill me. I would’ve welded the airlock shut and let it burn/drain out and scream through the glass.

This is the kind of adminning I hate to see. Inferring malicious intent, even when it’s a genuine accident

this whole “you did it on purpose and are trying to play it off as an accident” thing is just gross. I’ve been playing here for a minute, I’m clearly here to play and have fun and interact with the community not just start fires. Why do you have such a wild hair up your ass about this, why am I bad griefer man in your eyes?

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and why am I banned from golden anyway

yeah this is fucking dumb, as someone who has incidentally been on the end of one of michiru’s plasma release incidents mentioned in the ban, this doesnt seem anything like that and just looks like a bit of a fuck-up made while learning.


But on the other hand, using regular glass to secure a plasma room? I know that shitmos fucked glass and a window is stronger than a wall, but really?

Plasma wasn’t meant to be lit, I don’t see any problem with normal glass.


Problem with glass it can be removed with one tool (not with 2 like plasma reinforced 4000 hp glass) and broken easier.

All glass in game can be removed with 2 tools.

One tool is required to deconstruct a wall and make air pass through - a welder.
Two tools are required to deconstruct a window and make air pass through - screwdriver and crowbar. Only unreinforced windows are one tool - screwdriver.

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That’s fine because it requires very deliberate, provable malicious intent to destroy the containment, so it’s pretty adequate.

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Okay a lot of people responding but I can’t see why, I just said that glass is super easy to remove, way easier than reinf glass, why sudden will to teach me about tools?

I literally sad that it sucks because glass can be removed with one tool, and other glass that has a shittone of hp can be removed with two.

And window used in this project was not reinforced.

And it’s not fine, because regular window is easier to breake not intentionally than a reinforced one, so if you want to make something secure, you should put some effort into it.

There are three types of design issues when building something dangerous that goes wrong.

  • Intentionally malicious setups designed to fail
  • Willfully negligent setups where the creator knows of a better way to do it and chooses to make something capable of easy failure
  • Ignorantly designed setups that fail because of an oversight from inexperience.

I hold that this is second option because Michiru both tried to obtain a holofan and has this is at least the third time gas had been released in a public area by this player in some way or another for lack of experience. Four if you count intentionally breaking the holofan on the fusion, but I’ve been told that doesn’t apply here.

After long debate with other admins, I rescind my opinion to uphold the ban however

It has been decided this setup is safe enough because it is capable of operation without hazard as long as it’s used correctly and the scrubber is turned on.

Players walking straight into the chamber and releasing plasma are at fault for releasing it, not the designer. This setup may be replicated in public places and we should not enforce players be as safe as possible when dealing with plasma chambers in public places.


month ban seems a bit extreme just leave it as a note lol

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It’s a pretty reasonable degree of safety imo

players arent required to maximally optimize safety

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Bruh its almost the least safety you can get with a regular structure, how can you call it reasonable?Somewhat lesser is atmos holofan, and little less safer is fucking air.

bcuz safe in this case means suitable for standard use, e.g. not going to fail unless its being deliberately messed with. I was happy to ignore one of michiru’s earlier setups because it fit that criteria.

its not about powergaming your engineering setups to be impenetrable.

Anyways, I don’t think there’s too much purpose going on about this, there’s been a lot of inter-admin debate already and I wouldn’t be surprised if something is settled soon.

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The problem is that almost anything (any explosion) breaks glass, so making a plasma room secured by glass is shitty. Also what I said is that I think it’s okay but could’ve been secured better, suddenly a lot of people (and admins) are chill with plasma rooms which can be breached by welder tank bombs, sounds great.

Don’t do this again. It was unbelievably unsafe and made an essential part of the station uninhabitable.

Appeal accepted.