Mentor application

Mentor Application

Your CKEY: Qfmysteryman23

Your Discord: Massage#7953

How long have you been playing ss13?: about a year

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Dont know of any

Game Experience (More Detailed): I am well experienced in the medical field (Chemistry,Virology,medical doctor, etc) and also with Security since I play as those roles a lot. I also have experience with silicon jobs(especially Cyborg). If I was to combine my play hours from all servers I probably have around 1300-1400 hours in total of game play experience.

What are your more niche experiences? What about service jobs? Botany? Engineering?

Post your hours.

You have a grand total of 93 hours on Bee.


Low hours on Bee, and you don’t mention much in the way of deeper knowledge.


Because of low hours on the server. Get to 200 and apply again, im sure you will get accepted.


I’m pretty knowledgeable with all service jobs such such as Janitor, Bartender, chef, as I can read recipes. I also have average knowledge with engineering as I can set up solar panels and set up the super matter crystal and I have a basic Idea of atmospherics, but I am definitely not the smartest when it comes to that department. Overall I have only 93 hours on Bee station sage. My niche Job would be Medical as I find it fun and also I know how to do all surgeries and I know what medicines go with what type of injuries.

Deeper Knowledge Like what? I can do most Jobs but I mainly work in the Medical department as well as security. I am knowledgeable on all types of Surgery as well as medicine and chems.

Let me ask you a few niche and not so niche questions then:

How do you sit as cat pAI?

How do you put someone on your back as a borg?

Guy with a desword runs towards you for some quick chop-chop, what do you do? What if he has ear protection and wears armor?

Where on you can you store stuff as sec and how many slots?

Lings are on the station, how to identify?

Officer comes to the brig, claims he just got cloned? What do you do?

What are the optional steps in a surgery that increase the success chance?

No cloning and no defib, how to revive somebody?

Cryo tubes are busted, how to do ghetto cryo?

200 hours for mentor? What in the world? I was going to come here to protest the “solid choice for administration” ban by posting it here, but then I saw this. 93 hours is a perfectly reasonable amount of time for a mentor, since you have no idea if they have prior experience or learn faster than others might. I’m not vouching for them personally, since I don’t know them, but the “low hours on bee” -2 really isn’t sitting right with me. I applied for and got admin at 200 hours, and even then I was reassured that I didn’t need the hours. Just, don’t -2 for someone having 93 hours when you should be ignoring that and just directly ask questions.

Sorry for the rant, and the fact that this thread hasn’t been replied to in almost a week, I just think you should reconsider your overall stance on this.


My personal experiences with you ingame just make me feel like you’re not fit for mentor yet

Going ahead and closing as it’s been sitting at a negative for the past 5 days.