Maxoesss (Owen McShain) Player Report

changelings would do literally anything to accomplish their objectives, including murdering the station with no survivors in order to conceal themselves.

MRP rules literally say not to murderbone. When a faster, easier, and absolutely undetectable method (ling sting gives no message) method exists, and some one chooses the more difficult method that involves murdering half the server, I’d say that counts as murderbone.

If he wants to dick around and murderbone, he should shove off and go to LRP, where this literally wouldn’t be an issue.

And just to cite the rule 7. “Try to avoid unnecessary carnage that ultimately just ruins the round for everyone, unless said players are your targets. Subtley goes a long way.” He ignored the subtle method (ling sting) and murderboned, ending the round for eight players.

Yeah, all ling stings don’t give off a message unless you’re stung by a fellow ling

Also lings were removed from MRP, no?

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20 character limit

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Unless that happened today, no.

Though blood cult seems to have been added in.

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Didn’t we have this discussion on a other ban appeal where the guy killed like 6 people since he emagged the supply console and didn’t want witnesses?

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dude let’s just ban literally anyone with a note

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Wait long sting, counts as absorbing them for the goal? I personally don’t like to remove players from round to point I fail my objectives cause I say, your getting borged, or killed and they kill me

But if I could just ping sting and still get success that be better
What about absorb more than other lings, still count?

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DNA sting counts on non lings, but I have no idea on other lings. All I know is that they can sense your sting.


Ah ty for info

As for current topic, while yes it’s annoying to be on receiving end, it’s a valid tactic and can’t help but feel some admins are after young max powers

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Considering this happened after the new antagonist conduct rulings, and Owen is VERY MUCH AN EXPERIENCED PLAYER CAPABLE OF ADAPTING TO NEW RULES, I think this is the perfect opportunity to exercise the new rules.

Starting with this: Any antagonist not mentioned here, who does not have a Hijack or Martyr objective, may not murderbone.

It can be argued that, if Owen had killed and absorbed 6 people and then stopped there, he may have a case against the new ruling that his actions were at most a grey area. However, it seems that he took this excuse and ran it the extra mile to try and justify murdering 3 other players.

If you ask me, owen is clearly capable of reading and understanding this new ruling. I would say ignore his first 6 kills, but investigate into anything past them. And punish accordingly based on the number he killed over 6.

EDIT: After another look at the ruling, this is the LRP equivalent of the same rule: 1. An independent antagonist with a set of objectives must complete at least half of their objectives, rounded up, before murderboning. Having a Hijack or Martyr objective allows an antagonist to murderbone indiscriminately.

Given this, and the fact that Owen didnt use as many DNA stings as possible before going for broke, this instance may not even hold up in LRP

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it didn’t happen after the ruling the ruling was made two or three days ago or at least that was when it was announced and posted for everyone this happened five days ago

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This. Since the rules have now gained more clarity, I hope that something like this does not happen. With that being said, this happened before the rules got modified so this player report is outdated. Closing.

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