Your CKEY: Mat05usz
**Your Discord: Mat05usz#8583 **
How long have you been playing ss13?: 2019-06-13 14:23:43
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: I think there are people that can ‘vote’ for me, maybe VictorPride, since he was the first one that told me I should be a mentor like a month ago.
**Game Experience (More Detailed):
Sorry for the shitty english, but I have never been a good writer.
- Engie:
I’m an experienced engie, I know how to set up every engine, I know how to solve most delams very quickly just by looking at the pumps and pipes. I have taught the ‘better’ basic setups many ‘new’ engies before they tried doing that wiki shit.
I know how to make setups able to handle CO2 or plasma, I even experimented with better filtering system, but when rounds are shorter now, I don’t wanna waste time on that, just help the station to stay in a somewhat good state.
I’m good atmos, I mean I can handle floods very well, I know what will clog waste loop and how to help it, the only thing I’m missing is fusion, which I plan to try and do, but never quite had will.
- Medical:
I know how to handle almost anything that happens to living person, whether it’s heartattack or really bad disease, I can handle it quickly. I know most surgeries, but to be honest, sometimes I have to look it up on wiki to not slash person with surgical drill , but for the most part, I’m able to help the injured, or create cure, or (haha funni) clone an IPC.
- Service:
I’m a bad bartender, been serving drinks few times but I need recipies from the wiki.
Cook is the same, you have the crafting menu but for creating base for cakes or pies, ugh, I just have to look it up sometimes.
Rest of service is pretty straightforward and I can help with probably any task.
- Science:
Not gonna lie, department I lack knowledge in.
I know xenobio to a point that maybe, if given an hour, I could spawn simple mobs, just not played it that much.
Toxins is where I lack skill too, which is somewhat connected to my lack of advanced atmos knowledge, I know how to make Trit, I know how to make many gases, just I need to start and try doing it.
In robo I know how to make borgs/mechs and other things, also know how to augment (basically a surgery), what I lack is some in depth knowledge about the job.
While in RnD we all know the drill (wish it was that way), mining tech, then some parts and then nice tech.
Also I’ve done some circuits, even posted them on forum and discord, so I can help with basics (and plan to do more of them so might support those that wish to do more complicated ones).
- Supply:
Department I hate due to people doing the same ‘CARGONIA FREE STATE’ joke or something, but I know they gotta bring those tanks and crates to make money.
I played as a miner, so I can give tips to new players, which includes taking GPS with them or properly bringing mats back to the station. What’s worth noting is that I’ve never killed megafauna, never tried, so I can’t really help unexperienced ones with that, but really tempted to do so in the future.
- Antags:
Yes, I play little antags, mostly have them disables (except for midrounds), because I do not feel joy while fucking rounds for others, but I know much bout them due to:
- Security:
I played many hours as sec, basically have tips against any antags, be it traitor with carp, ling with shriek, or nightmare, caught/killed many of them while not dying that much, so I can pass my knowledge even though I’m not an ‘antag’ person.
- General:
Well and in generall I just have knowledge of the game that helps me in every job, and it can help every newer player to be better in the game. Also many times I helped people in OOC whether they didn’t know how to move, or other basic stuff, without ICK OCKing.