Massked mentor application

Your CKEY: Massked

Your Discord: engy#4610

How long have you been playing ss13?: since Mandalore / 2016. I didn’t play much until the ssethtide though.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:

Game Experience (More Detailed): I can understand most things about the game and I have much experience with the mechanics. The only thing I don’t know to well is chemistry and antag objective locations. I have helped a couple of new players learn the basics of the game and I always liked introducing them to the chaos of ss13. I have played a fairly large variety of roles so it seemed fit to try and pass on my knowledge.

  • 170 hours
  • Tendency to over-escalation/self-antag
  • 4 notes in February, none in march

Usually with sub 200 bee hours I like seeing a good record as well. Not really feeling strongly one way or the other.


-0.5 from me.

Recent and long-time notes being for pretty much the same things shows little inclination for improvement. This combined with an okay but not amazing amount of hours played makes me lean against slightly.

You have a lot of experience under your belt, but with your recent notes I am not sure.

what is your IC name? I might recognize your from there

Myles Sommer usually.