Massked discord ban appeal

Discord ID: Massked#4610

Admin Discord ID: I don’t know it doesn’t say anywhere as far as I can tell.

Ban Type: I think mute I don’t know I haven’t been banned before.

Ban Length: How should I know it just says i have three points, does that mean 3 days?

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/13/202

Ban Reason: posted a picture of a shotgun that looked like a dick. immediate ban.

Appeal Reason: It was pretty stupid and the ban well deserved. I don’t really know why I did that though the atmosphere was in that direction and I was talking about a funny idea for a erp shark and I said that it could have a dick gun then I remembered I had the image, so monkey brain engaged and I posted it without thinking about it. My bad.

Additional Information: I think I more or less summed it up.

I would post the image if I get permission, otherwise I get a feeling that I will be banned from the forums too.

well I guess this appeal is a waste of time…

I’ll let you fester in the mines for a day.

Then i’ll unmute you. Dont post straight up nsfw Images again please, you’ll get insta muted.

And for the record its just a mute - an actual ban would leave you completely gone from the discord

alright I see. Sorry for the inconvenience.

hello, can you release the ban?

Hey, i’m working on it.

I already should have removed 2 of your 3 warning points, so you should be unmuted.
Appologies for however long it takes to properly unmute you.

What do “warning points” even do? I don’t really understand

What they’re SUPPOSED to do is
Nothing at 0, 1 or 2
mute you when hitting three
unmute you when falling under three

you should be at one now and therefore not muted … but the bot failed to remove the role somehow

Yeah it does not appear to be working as you said, thank you for the clarification on the intended effects however.

Ten hours later, after talking to big noss himself, i have figured out how to properly unmute you.

It turns out the bot just counts negative points as normal points…

Sorry about that.


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