Manon LeBlanc Player Report

In-game report:

CKEY: Not megatron

Your Discord: notmegatron

Offender’s CKEY:

Offender’s In-Game Name: Manon LeBlanc

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-01-03

Round Number: 51204

Rules Broken: 8 Do Not Grief

Incident Description:
Man, here we go. I am mime. Mission objective from god: collect all the action figures and ascend. Security is busted open and I go in looking for the sec officer figure. Det stands there, menaces me with the revolver. I apply soap, grab gun, dump out the bullets and drop the gun on the floor, laugh.

Det picks up the gun, loads it, and mag dumps me as a “warning.” This isn’t cool. I apply soap again, grab gun and run to the kitchen to try and make a deep fried gamer gun. Det puts me in hardcrit, I eventually die. She fullstrips me and steals my ID and PDA while I’m dead.

I get revived, and see det fighting the chef in the kitchen. I start throwing banana peels, making walls, generally get in the way because I don’t know why they’re fighting but fuck det. She chases me down and executes me for this. Starts telling people in LOOC that I’m a griefer when they try and stop her. Fullstrips me again and throws me in the garbage where I lay for half an hour. Ages later, my body is found by some good samaritans in cargo and she again tries to tell them not to revive me.
So, to recap: Shot for slipping, beat to death for trying to eat her gun, executed and attempted RR for meddling with an arrest.

Additional Information: I’m not going to act like I handled things perfectly - I was mad - or that I was an innocent victim in all this - I was annoying as hell - but being annoying is not a reason to shoot me in the face and trying to eat her revolver is not a reason to execute me, especially not as the detective. It’s also worth mentioning that I was a pacifist so aside from some a cheeky shuttle showdown, I never harmed a single person.


don’t forget the part where you called me a “tard” in LOOC


looking back on it now, I really, really should’ve ahelped this before it got worse. That’s something I really regret not doing and would’ve definitely done differently.


if true, this is a slur

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I can confirm, it happened. Frankly, if you want people to not see you as a shitter, maybe don’t say stuff like that?

Oh and also, your miming was terrible. Instead of being a mime you were essentially a Clown lite, especially when you were putting down invisible walls while security was trying to deal with a heretic.

Yes. I got mad and dropped a gamer word. I shouldn’t have. That doesn’t really have any bearing on this report though, which is about your conduct, most of which was before I said that.

Slur, you said a slur.
And yes, it is relevant. My view of you was that you were some no emote mime that kept on getting into areas for no reason. When you called me a “tard” in LOOC, any and all goodwill you could’ve possibly had went out the window. You acted like a shitter, looked like a shitter, smelt like a shitter, so I assumed you were. Yes, I really should’ve ahelped, I honestly don’t know why I didn’t, taking action into my own hand was a bad move and something I should not have done. But man, you were a colossal turd and an annoyance.


Alright, questions time:

@EveLed what is the reasoning for swapping to lethal ammunition in the first place? The detective revolver starts with non-lethals on purpose and it shouldn’t really be getting swapped for fully lethal in most cases when security is well staffed

@NotMegatron in a situation where you are trespassing in security, why would you try to escalate when threatened with lethals and told to leave? It’s pretty much throwing your life away to insist on standing your ground against someone shooting at you, even if you did manage to take the gun from them in the end.

Both parties seem to be at fault in different ways for how this escalated out of control.


I will say I had the job of Rita-sitter this shift, with the goal to get her to CC alive. I spent a lot of time in the brig (mostly fixing broken ninja windows) and did see the mime try to or get into security two or three times. When inside the brig, I don’t really recall any emotes, just loitering. To my memory sec was Rita and Indigo as officers and Manon as det most of the shift.

I believe we had also had a griffman early that same shift, you’d probably have to check looc for that, so crew was vaguely on edge.

I do not know if Manon got deputized, though do recall cap being pretty mad at the ninja

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To answer you directly, I thought it was an empty threat.

I thought it was silly that the detective was threatening to shoot me over something so minor. After I slipped her, I picked up the gun, emptied it out and gave it back. I thought this was a pretty good way to say, “don’t be a silly billy, put that thing away!”

When she started shooting I was, OOC, very surprised. She wasn’t trying to “get” me, just emptied her gun into me and stopped. So I stood there a moment and looked at my bulletholes, and my thought was “ok, someone needs to take away your lethal privileges”

I gave her the slip again but this time instead of giving the gun back, I ran.

Yeah, I could have tried to get the captain’s attention and get the det officially reprimanded or something but I didn’t really fancy my chances of successfully miming that message out without resorting to pen and paper (shameful)

IIRC, security was on panic mode at that time. I don’t remember what exactly it was but we were on an “all hands on deck” situation. I think we were also on unofficial red alert (I don’t think there was enough command to enact it?), aka martial law. I put lethals into my revolver because it seemed like the logical thing to do in response to the threats.

I also remember the window to the security lathe being broken into, which was another reason to not trespass into security. (And I’m at least 90% certain that we were on blue alert)

Alert was still blue, but cross referencing the other conflicts that were going on - yes the first conflict took place five minutes after the HoS was killed and three minutes after you make mention of the lathe being compromised so I’d say it was probably a justified time to swap to lethals and be especially defensive of your workspace.

Given the external circumstances and justification of possession of lethals, I don’t think the sudden escalation was unreasonable in the first confrontation due to the warnings.

It’s been several days since the incident actually happened so I’m going to chalk up your answer not lining up with the logs at all to the fact it’s just been a while since the event happened, I’ll go ahead and explain what I do see in the logs:

Meeting you point for point here, from when the incident was fresher in memory:

  • You are breaking into a secure area, threatened with lethal force and told to leave.
  • You don’t take the threat seriously and grab the detective so you can force them to slip and swipe their gun, emptying it on the floor.
  • The detective responds by following through on a very clear threat and tells you to leave a second time without bringing you to crit.
  • You continue to escalate instead of leaving, this time stealing their gun and attempting to destroy it.

Both sides could have done better and under blanket circumstances a detective not only shouldn’t have lethals but also shouldn’t be pursuing perps or shooting them, but this conflict had substantial (and later continued) instigation on your side, and ample warning from their side. The direct conflict here is 100% IC consequences of your own actions. Don’t assume someone holding a gun doesn’t intend to use it and goad them further, then act surprised when you get shot, even if the player in question is a member of security that is normally not supposed to.

SOP should generally not be violated, especially by heads of staff and security, however:

  • Good roleplay (emphasis on good) can be used to justify violating SOP or Space Law to an extent, but may still have IC consequences.

Given the circumstances I’d say this applies.

This is a good pursuit to have, but your overall quality of mime is still fairly lacking, and avoiding this only makes it worse. You performed a total of 78 emotes over two and a half hours and 21 of them were *scream. There were only about five custom emotes with the vast majority being simple facial expressions. Work on being more expressive as a mime instead of taking matters into your own hands - your primary role is to be an entertainer!

The worst part of this conflict by far was the OOC behavior:

@EveLed refrain from making accusations in the future and please leave it to staff to handle the situation if you think a griefer is on

@NotMegatron bypassing the filter and being toxic in LOOC to someone else is also uncalled for.

Report processed