Make it illegal to hold chemistry anywhere outside of chem lab

Yeah okay this has been on my nerves for awhile now
Chemistry should not be able to have any chem machines/dispensers/heaters/smoke machines/or mixing machines anywhere outside of the chemistry lab. Its just annoying walking through the main hallway and theres a shit ton of chem pipes or a makeshift chemistry station in the hallway. Its annoying its clutter ,and gives easy access to antags and shitters to come and go and make whatever they please.

Pic for reference -

Update - Shortly after posting this I helped the chemist (As a borg) make the showroom into a chemistry area. And as of this current post the new round has a chemist turning the showroom into the area image

Round is literally still going

Unlisted because it’s ongoing round

I plan to not leave it unattended and sit here and produce healing chems, its far more noticeable to do it in the halls.

I have made sure not to block the halls, go around the science route or pass by the front.

Whenever I do plumbing I keep it out of the halls and do it in the showroom or other place.

Its far more rewarding as a chemist to do it in the halls because people actually take the stuff you put out.


Yeah Im aware of that and happy that you should be held responsible but its still a relevant annoyance

That’s a neat gimmick, vs making meth on the sidewalk.

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Its nothing against you I have had this issue for a long time most people are not like you they just put down chemist plumbing wherever they please and cause issues and honestly this shit is just annoying now. They can make chemistry bigger but in the hallways its just annoying.

Bottom text lmao o

So you complain about the guy doing it this round while saying it’s not about people like him. Bruh…!

Imagine getting mad about people being creative and actually adding some fun to the round smh my head

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Yeah because im not allowed to make a suggestion for future rounds , yeah its creative sure make a new lab right outside of the chemistry lab , adding fun to the round not so sure about that chief.

I like this a lot. The intention it to have a more public stand and interface with players. It is not powergaming, and unless intentionally set up so it can be easily stolen seems like a fun roleplay gimmick. If the station is actually functioning properly, stuff like this is exactly what I want to see. It’s unique and only done to interact with people in a good way.

The point of our rules is to not make such a rigid place that every round becomes predictable. It’s to allow situations like this to happen without them immediately being beaten and tided for no reason.

Also, plumbing set ups take a ridiculous amount of space. They do not fit in chemistry, and our maps don’t have spaces provided for them like other servers. Plumbing is going to spill out. Creating opportunities for traitors is not a bad thing though unless it is done with the main purpose of helping them. Its not the server’s rules job to prevent traitors from having creative avenues to go about their tatoring.

There’s no autism there. That’s just you when you see someone having fun. Would it be better if chemists stood the whole round in their meth fort making nothing but meth? Oh no the pumbling which is making everyone’s life better is mildy inconveniencing me!! Chemists don’t even have a place for pipes and they are literally trying to rp on the rp server

You come on here and immediately call me the fun police your not contributing your just shitting on the post. If theres no space for piping or chemistry THEN MAKE MORE. Construction for a reason , im just tired of fucking shit taking up a HALLWAY where WALKING is designated.

You are just mad that someone called you by your name. If you have a problem with space for plumbing THEN MAKE MORE yourself. It’s not even annoying, just don’t walk on any intent that isn’t help and ask those that are on harm to not be. And even if plumbing gets in the way you just have some people come in from time to time, you don’t even have to leave medbay. I never saw anyone complain exept for some paramedics on chaotic rounds.

Chem lab is too small to hold all the shit to make for example: synthflesh machine, that thing makes you not dead, and you are the only one having this issue, if it was thing that makes more people feel the same way it would be plausible
this is just dumb

Im just saying that the place for it is not automatically in the hallway theres plenty of other places out of the way it can be made or extra space that can be converted into it.

my dude, you are the only one that has problem with it, im sure there is always space to walk through

Look guys if you are not gonna actually post serious responses can you just go away this is not reddit or 4chan where your memes and cancer comments are wanted. Actually act like adults instead of scrubs.