Make doing something not included in your job illegal

Just thinking, food poisoning should be a disease within SS13. Oh, did you not keep the kitchen clean from the blood of monkeys and goats? Commence the mass puking of the station as the code decides to do a random disease, and there is enough blood in the kitchen to trigger all food within those tiles to be infected.

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I think at some point the risk of disease from loose blood was in Bee? It was removed shortly after I joined and I never quite knew why. I think because it gave virologists more to do, rather than fixing virology.

It just hit me that Beestation balancing is a lot like Team Fortress 2 balancing.

Blood, gore, and corpses used to emit a gas called miasma, which would cause you to get sick with random symptoms. It was removed because if you could imagine it was very taxing to upkeep.

Oh right - not to mention Corpseflowers which generated it. It used to be exploitable because miasma sold for a lot in cargo if you farmed it.

…Oh, Lmao, it literally did Miasma theory and it was just too taxing on Auxmos, that’s funny. Germ theory is less taxing on atmos calculations than miasma theory. nice.

You can still transmit disease through blood and sharing syringes, so you know having a dirty as fuck kitchen with food being prepared on or sitting in gore would TOTALLY ruin that shit.


nice try but @DesertSage does not know it was actually removed for 2 things mixed together. The first is changing the atmos mechanics and second which was the main reason it is used to farm LOT OF MONEY by making lavaland base miasma farm

This was of course very fun for the playerbase and coders hate fun so much it is unbelieveable.

That was the lavaland BZ farm, due to the environment spawning with a small amount of plasma and the general low pressure of lavaland causing it to make a ton of BZ.

Miasma farm was normally made in Cargo, with either 100 monkey corpses or some Corpseflowers

That was very inefficitent. I am the one who practiced lot of Miasma Farm as borg and let me assure you in 30 minutes I could bring up to 30-130 Thousand credits from the lavaland farm.

It also took a massive toll on the performance, from the investigations like 60% of on_life was spent processing miasma after breathing it in.

You know how CM runs so well and supports so many players at the same time on a server? They straight up got rid of atmos. You can use that to gauge how much processing gas movements on Lavaland’s scale would impact the game.


miasma sounds cool. but is it not possible to just treat food poisoning as a viro? replace people with food. give a random % of any raw food to contain it. tainted food in contact with other food spreads it ect.

Me thinks…




I really heard this excuse too many times and I refuse to believe it even for now. This phenomena of “miasma causes performance issue” started by coders and somehow in someway spread faster than covid.

I am very certain the only reason why Miasma got removed is because of its farming. Instead of decreasing the value of it or/and turn it to something that turns into other byproducts they just straight removed it. Because it is easier to remove things than to contain and change it.

You can always make a PR that reverts the removal and adjusts its sell value.


I don’t think miasma even exists on most servers anymore, if you want it back i doubt anyone would mind if you coded it in in a way that does lag out the server when every tile is coated in blood and gore.

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do you not have an idea how a game is ran and do you not realise how constantly calling a function thousands of times for something meaningless over a large number of instances would lag everything out

everytime cargo made a lavaland/cargo bz/miasma farm, the entire server died, and cargo went :astonished:

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Really weird I really never had this issue because I used to do the lavaland farm even my brother who also plays here did that :thinking:

There is only one explanation for this which is the servers got changed either due lack of funds for the servers it used to run on or to save cost. :smirk:

imagine actually using this as an epic own instead of “wow people aren’t helping support the server by giving money funds so it’s worsening maybe i should help them myself”

plus it’s not like money actually matters, iirc the dream engine forces you to use only a max of 4 gb of ram for an entire server

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That still does not answer the fact it used to be ok without having any issues until later. If indeed it was not the cost of running a server is the issue then verily and surly something or some changes that has been done that made it cause the performance issue.

So what would a wiseman do in this scenario and knowledge? Do we just point our finger at miasma and say it is the problem or study and find what exactly made it start causing performance issues.

it didn’t and it was changed for that reason.
it’s wild how your memory is somehow rewriting history where every round with those gas farms almost ended up with a 40% time dilation round

even wilder to see you thinking that admins/coders/crossed, who spent a long ass fucking time analyzing the code and what functions gets called, what causes runtime, what wastes processing power -
are all wrong and somehow it must be something else because they all got a hidden agenda to delete all the stuff you find fun


I used to do miasma farming. I used to do it a lot. I never ever had issue or saw an issue with it. Unless somehow God doing a miracle to prevent performance issue to happen while I am doing it then it will be a mystery. You always say Miasma farming is the issue and provide no proof other than to call me “liar” or just act what you wanted is real and not mine.

For me, I do not find it hidden agenda but rather it got removed for something else. To lie for its removal to allow something else to replace it is something I will never accept no matter what was it and what it is. Not even Miasma even most things in life like appointment, country laws, country finance, family inheritance etc etc.

But the majority of the people are not interested in knowing the truth they just go for what they are told to believe. I cannot mostly blame the people for ignoring what is the truth because its mostly their nature. For me and for what I see it I think they applied some new changes to the atmos mechanics to the game and found Miasma causing it to brick out. So instead of working to adjust the atmos mechanics to fit the codes of Miasma and not make it cause issues they just went to the easiest route and striaght up removed it. This is of course a great solution for the lazy management. If the new atmos mechanics really helped make this game better then they have all our thanks for working hard for us to have fun. But to remove something and give it another reason for the removal other than the truth is what made me talking about all of this.