Title: Machine Gun Kiss no clue whats his ckey Player Report
CKEY: iocanthos
Offender’s CKEY: dunno
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Machine Gun Kiss
Date (DD-MM-YYYY) fixed that for ya: 14.06.2020
Round Number: 17220
Rules Broken: 4 shitty chaplain RP, 5 - overescalation
Incident Description: Near round end. Was paramedic. Was performing surgery on a dead brig phys to attempt revive. The wanna be deus vult barges in pushes me over interrupting the surgery. Told him to not interrupt. He said that hes dead and I have to fix him first. Med storage is open, he is on over 60% according to medhud, I tell him to put a band aid on it.
He then drags me off and jumps into a sleeper. So I inject him with morphine so he fucks off. Gets up before it affects him revs up the chain saw and hunts me down until I die with no hostility from my side.
Additional Information: Isnt it funny that deus vult chainsaw hand priests are always turbo shitters?
EDIT player report because no admins at the time
ckey is possibly:
OOC: Kevmab01: you got your fuckin lumps for overdosing me on morphine