Machine Gun Kiss report

Title: Machine Gun Kiss no clue whats his ckey Player Report

CKEY: iocanthos

Offender’s CKEY: dunno

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Machine Gun Kiss

Date (DD-MM-YYYY) fixed that for ya: 14.06.2020

Round Number: 17220

Rules Broken: 4 shitty chaplain RP, 5 - overescalation

Incident Description: Near round end. Was paramedic. Was performing surgery on a dead brig phys to attempt revive. The wanna be deus vult barges in pushes me over interrupting the surgery. Told him to not interrupt. He said that hes dead and I have to fix him first. Med storage is open, he is on over 60% according to medhud, I tell him to put a band aid on it.

He then drags me off and jumps into a sleeper. So I inject him with morphine so he fucks off. Gets up before it affects him revs up the chain saw and hunts me down until I die with no hostility from my side.

Additional Information: Isnt it funny that deus vult chainsaw hand priests are always turbo shitters?

EDIT player report because no admins at the time

ckey is possibly:

OOC: Kevmab01: you got your fuckin lumps for overdosing me on morphine

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if you overdosed him on morphine im pretty sure he can validly kill you for that since it does toxin damage. if you didn’t overdose him and he just has 30 brain hemorrhages or something and is seeing things that aren’t there then yeah hes a turbo shitter lol


I’m reserving this report for one of the new admins to take because it’s going to be a very straightforward log dive.

This happened on MRP. You can’t kill someone just because they technically did damage to you. Using morphine to disable an unruly patient (especially one interrupting an operation) is standard practice.


overdosing someone on morphine is literally a direct violent action, you are poisoning them. im gonna log on MRP and inject people with lethal injection syringes founded in the nuremberg trails and if anyone fights me i will report them and you will be obliged to ban them for me ok bro?

maybe he can claim incompetence but most people know being overdosed on any medicinal chem only leads to negative, damaging side effects.

edit: enough morphine to sleep someone yeah. not to overdose them which has to be intentional as a standard syringe can only hold 15u and overdose is around 25-30. im just bringing up this point in the event that he WAS overdosed, i don’t know if he was


If it’s an actual overdose sure, it’s a problem, but sleepers have safeties on them that prevent overdosing unless disabled.

I’m not saying which side is in the wrong, I’m just pointing out that you can’t apply LRP style validity to the doctor here - Doctor can morphine someone unruly on MRP within reason.

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they dont have safety upgraded to t3 or t4

how would he know he was od’d if he didnt have a medical scanner tho

sleepers tell you how much chems are in someones system iirc

also im just arguing the point in the event that he was overdosed, that was gross incompetence by the doctor and he would’ve probably thought he tried to poison him for breaking in, morphine addiction sucks and so does ODing on it, but unless the sleeper was upgraded (im going off what nik said here im not sure if this was true) it probably didn’t happen and he’s just lying about it in OOC to justify pwning him with a chainsaw arm

science almost never upgrades em but you can only give 20u of any chem on a t1 sleeper which isnt od. On upgraded sleepers you can inject a lot more and I used to play med doctor and killed my target with morphine od’s before

Sleeper was upgraded, did not know the safties go magically off at that point (like for what purpose?) so theres that. Wouldnt be an issue if he did not behave like a rabid dog.

Do you remember how much morphine you gave the dude?

Cant say I did. Did not spam it to oblivion but apparently OD’d him. Just a reminder that since shuttle was already docked/docking I doubt it would make much difference for him - he would stay on the station in either case napping away.

Actually I am curious myself now how much I pumped into him.

sleepers are logged so they will find out

In this same round Machine Gun chainsaw handed me the CE after I shoved them for breaking into engi.

Going back to the whole if OD then valid arguments (and Im almost certain he got OD as he said so in game as well - my fuck up there)

Rule 5:

You may defend yourself against others, but avoid escalating the situation. I was not a further threat to him I tried to run away. His defence and not escalating the situation was painting the medbay with me

Rule 9 No Powergaming:

Use reasonable self-defense; subdue, but do not try to revenge-kill, any assailants.

—Lets assume I am a filthy liar and I knew I could OD him with the sleeper. Trust me he would get far more than a few units of morphine, he would od on all the possible meds. At once. On top of that I carry cuffs as a paramedic as some patients can be aggresive, suffer from trauma, suspects or suicidal—

And since I am petty and biased as fuck lets add some more to the clusterfuck that is this dude:

Rule 4 you must roleplay:

Your character is a grown adult working on a research station for a major company. You are a professional. Act like it.

I ghosted this dude in the next round - and I will keep this short. The only reason he playes as chap is to have chainsaw at round start. He freely greytides everywhere ignores people asking the fuck is going on and attempt to have him remove ends in him going full apeshit.

Literally if you log dive and dont look at his class you would have never guessed he is a chaplain, fuck all RP.

Use a lore-friendly name, and follow the naming conventions for your species.

What kind of a fucking name is Machine Gun Kiss?

Respect space law and standard operating procedures.


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In this same round Machine Gun chainsaw handed me the CE after I shoved them for breaking into engi.

Not sure if it was the same round or next, saw that as ghost next round, he slipped thru to engineering via open door to steal a toolbelt and insulos. Ignored your questions and once you shoved him for attention he just chainsawed you to the face.

Only once locked in by AI he remembered how to fucking talk. Quality RP.

This is the real issue with the player.

Yeah, that’s the vibe I got from the round I checked and I’m going to go ahead and pull logs from this instead of reserving it as I initially intended

Can confirm 30u Morphine was given. Enough to cause addiction but not an overdose. Doctor also gave the requested 20u Bicaridine to heal the chaplain up.

More interestingly, they had already done major self antag and Powergaming both by this point in the round - opting to toss around and crit someone in Cargo for no reason and also go steal a telekinesis injector from genetics.

Report Confirmed and Accepted

And then some