Lycheeicexd Banned by Haliris

Title: CKEY Banned by Admin CKEY

CKEY: lcyheeicexd

Admin’s CKEY: haliris

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Sage

Ban Type: server ban

Ban Length: 3 day

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

Round ID: 2023-01-02 15:12:05

Ban Reason: Do not metagame, you must roleplay. As “sec-off”, ran into a series of incident by first taking the spare ID without authorization because they needed access to fix something that wasn’t sec related. Then released dangerous mobs in xenobio on accident, not something sec-offs are typically trained to handle in the first place. You don’t seem to really try to roleplay or be interested in it, your first recourse when faced with a situation cannot always be to take care of it yourself. Take this time to focus on your character and your rp. Created as a result of Player report: LycheeiceXD Player Reprt

Appeal Reason: I think the admin who was handling the “Player report: LycheeiceXD Player Reprt” confused about the ban reason. If you were to read the player report, It is said I was the Research Director for the offense of ‘taking the spare id’ and ‘spawning xenomob by accident’ for round 41913. Next, they also reported me as a sec officer in a completely different round using the durand.

Why is my ban reason what I understand is that the admin who banned me assume I was a sec officer in a single round did all of the three offenses that I was reported which is, stealing spare id as a sec officer, spawning xenomob as sec officer, and using a durand as a sec officer.

Don’t a Command or Heads of a department have leeway to use all access to ensure the station run more efficiently in the absence of the related department’s helps? I did the ‘reporting the crime of the cargo tech’ so I can notify the next sec department’s member who arrive on the station that was never on the station. I need insulated gloves for fixing a broken wire in sci maint and repair the broken into rnd and some sec outpost and there were no engineers to borrow from. I did spawn multiple hostile xenomobs in sci department by accident and i rectify my mistake by fixing the broken robotics and apologizing to crew during that round. If a command taking spare id is bad, why is ce taking the spare id not reprimanded for it and also the hundreds of command player who snagged the spare id before this.

Additional Information:

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My problem and the reason for making the report was that there was an Acting Captain, whom you asked All access from. You didnt get it so you took it for yourself.

The ban reason is wrong as they said though.

Was this not the round where I was a traitor acting CE?

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Yeah I got somewhat confused in my own notes. I’ll salvage this by lifting the warn and turning the relevant parts into a warning.