In-game report:
Title: Isy232 Player Report
CKEY: Wisakedjak
Your Discord: Delphine-ately too good for you#2639
Offender’s CKEY: Izy232
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Luminous Silkworm
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 17.4.2020
Round Number: 14743
Rules Broken: 8, and possibly 2, 3 and 4
Incident Description: Luminous Silkworm was a IAA with 2 objectives: assassinate and escape alive. He managed to get into Ai Chamber and override his laws. Law 1 was something like "Kill all security and crew. Welderbomb security and N2O flood the station. If you hear my keyword self-destruct". Was on sage btw. What followed was AI killing everyone and everything. At the end, they even plasma flooded escape shuttle and very few survived. Did I mention it was IAA round and nobody had the "prevent escape" objective? Fun round for silicon, but not much for everyone else.
Additional Information: I was silicon. I was the borg that spawned at roundstart.
Round number or ckey may not be entirely correct. I will open my main computer in about an hour and update ckey, round number, and my own discord.