LRP is literally hell

I recently got a full week ban from MRP due to an honest mistake on my part, hoping that clears up, but in the meantime I’ve been playing LRP instead. That place is literal actual hell. People will walk up to you, kill you for no reason, and nothing will be done except by admins. People will stuff you into a morgue, someone else will see you’re still alive, then they’ll finish the job. Doctors will pull you from the cryo chamber and decapitate you as non antag for their head collection, and then someone else (also non antag) will gib your head and throw your brain in the garbage and leave you. There are literally no ic consequences for anything, and as far as ick rules go it is the wild wild west

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most of these are against the rules and were most likely “allowed” because of a lack of admins online


Sounds like my experiences with LRP before I was an admin and before I knew how to ahelp.

90% sure this is because everyone on there is a shitter and 1 admin can’t stop it all. The guy there right now is actually doing a great job for what he can

anarcho capitalism at it’s finest


i don’t go on lrp anymore because the moment i do there’s literally 5 people waiting to kill me the first chance they get because muh metagrudge is allowed as antag

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Have you considered randomizing your character name + appearance? Takes care of metagrudge pretty fast.

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same, i wear it as a badge of pride and play anyways

look at the bright side, the action finds you


Yesterday I joined an LRP round, it was already in progress, I come in as assistant because fuck wants to be doing their job on LRP, on the arrivals corridor, I get instantly flashed by a ligger with HoS gun, warden gloves, warden shotgun and traitor pistol, somehow I don’t get executed right away, but he burns out the entire flash on me and headstomps me giving me brain damage. At this point my plan is set, I’m gonna greytide into the brig and fuck him up.

By the time I get a spear and such, he finds me again and burns out another, this time he decides not to headstomp me. I eventually do greytide into the brig and I get full sec gear. I meet him in the hallways, he start panicking that the flashes don’t work anymore, then he tries to murder me with all of the arsenal he had, after a bout of fighting, running and healing, he disengages. I then wait for his ass at escape only for him to never come and at the end screen to see he was a blood bro and his blood bro had his body destroyed so he decided to fuck with random people.

By the way, I keep hearing LRP-ers are robust, but this guy missed all tazer shots, unloaded like 2 fully loaded shotguns in my direction and a full steckin or whatever that gun is called, still didn’t kill me or even crit me.

True LRP experience, a hellhole indeed. Gotta say, that movement speed on MRP, when?


Both people who killed you that round were genuinely new players, even if the doctor was dumb.

But yea alot of the regulars are robust and will escalate the exact moment its valid to do so.

Its chaotic.


let me in :flushed: :sob:

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Page 2 of google


Thing is Golden has fast movement but the projectiles, simplemobs, megafauna, etc aren’t upscaled to match it. It makes being a seccie additionally unappealing because of how easy it is dodge disabler shots when default runspeed is like Sage’s adrenals. If everything else in the game was rebalanced to match the high speed then it’d make sense to copy it but for now it’s just another one of those imbalances that becomes obvious when you play Golden for an extended period.

As an aside Golden is the fastest movement speed server in my testing, significantly more than goon/tg/yog/para, and I’d give the edge to it above Fulp and Hippie as well.

MRP players shitting their pants because funny space man go fast


ok bro i am not sure if you get it but
lrp players are based as fuck and if robust they can kill you at any given time
however they do not
instead they wait for you to shove them
or call them shit
so they can deem you valid
so like stop shitty mrp behaivor we do not accept that grief in here


shoving doesnt make you valid doe…

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haha… …unless? :flushed:

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No worries bro I’ve validhunted for less :sunglasses:

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look where that ended up

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I don’t even know what I did for the first one and the second one was because I got cucked :drooling_face: and to add, validhunting isn’t against the rules so I don’t know how you think it is, while you are supposed to know that yourself :sunglasses:

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