LRP gae: a saga

Haha LRP gay kill LRP- Statistically lrp has more permabans than MRP so clearly lrp should be obliterated

Statistically MRP players are more unbased than the average LRP players


LRP is literally LRP. MRP is just LRP in padded cell with a straitjacket


LRP is NoRP, MRP is LRP - until I finally get out of work on Wednesday. Hopefully, Sage will become more MRP, and LRP players will emigrate to Golden.


ok just because ppl don’t act as if they’re professional NT employees doesn’t mean they’re not ‘doing their job’

  1. You Must Roleplay
    Have knowledge of your role. If you are new to the game, we recommend playing on our main server instead.
    Respect space law and standard operating procedures. Committing minor crimes is justifiable through roleplay, but major crimes should typically be avoided.
  1. Heads of Staff Conduct
    Heads of Staff are held to higher standards than regular crewmembers. You are expected to be a competent person and competent at your job.
    Heads of Staff, generally, should not abandon their post. This means you should not leave the station on space adventures or explore lavaland.
    Heads of Staff should not overstep their bounds. For example, the Head of Personnel is not a member of security and should not run around hunting criminals. Nor should the Head of Personnel loot the armory or give themself all-access.
    The Captain is not an Assistant with all-access. You are expected to be a competent leader and ensure the success and survival of your station and its crew.
  1. Do Your Job
    Non-antagonists are required to perform their assigned job in good faith. Breaks are fine, but ignoring your department and obligations is not. This goes especially true for Silicons, Heads of Staff, and Security.
    As people are expected to do their job, you are also expected to let people do theirs. If someone is manning a department, you must make a reasonable effort to solicit them for the service you require of them. If they are absent or unwilling to provide a necessary service or item, you are permitted to attempt to do it yourself, at the risk of IC consequences.
    Being an assistant is not a free pass to ignore any part of this rule. Assistants are expected to help around the station, not immediately rush all the supplies that aren’t nailed down or behind locked doors - Ask for whatever supplies you need from the department(s) you’re helping.

No ones brought up my bans yet this is a new one

lrp is where everyone preps to become doomguy and if your antag you just get fucking d u n k e d on, oh and everyone has AA and people try to set world records on caps spare


“ha ha im going to roleplay surgery for 30 minutes while my patient bleeds and dies” - MRP


No one does that though?

LRP is superior in all ways

MRP sucks


Lrp gae you don’t even know the name of the captain you stole the id from you just saw the locker and took it

Aren’t you the guy who looted HoS’s and cap’s copses as warden, then proclaimed yourself the new HoS on mrp?


Did you read it? I literally never even saw Caps body that round and the only thing I took from hos was hand tele to get to bridge and save 4 people, and his oxy tank because there was n02 and mine was empty

he was exaggerating testiclebrain

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At least my brain has wrinkles because LRP is only played by smoothbrains

your brain is just liquid with a ball inside of it. I have a PhD in biology so don’t question my knowledge

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If someone is manning a department, you must make a reasonable effort to solicit them for the service you require of them. If they are absent or unwilling to provide a necessary service or item, you are permitted to attempt to do it yourself, at the risk of IC consequences.
Being an assistant is not a free pass to ignore any part of this rule. Assistants are expected to help around the station, not immediately rush all the supplies that aren’t nailed down or behind locked doors - Ask for whatever supplies you need from the department(s) you’re helping.

Comedy gold.

Yet to see a chemist not make meth/bombs, a cargo tech not just buy insuls and riot gear, and a tider not breaking into sec checkpoint to validhunt on MRP.


  • The medical team doesn’t know how to save you, but it’s okay because…
  • You probably won’t die unless it’s something like nukies or blob.
  • People won’t let you do your job better because it’s “suspicious” to leave your quarters, while the actual antags are off doing whatever.
  • People will tell you how to do things if you can find the 10 people who know how to do things out of the 50+ present.
  • If you do so much as slight anyone, they’ll report you, but as long as you didn’t actually do shit, you’re fine.
  • LRP players get called uncivilized while they bomb the cult and revive the captain.


  • Most people know how to save you, but they probably won’t unless you’re known.
  • Death can come at any time. Without glasses, bowmans and at least one weapon, you are a sitting duck. Some deaths like rads or maxcaps are unavoidable.
  • You have full freedom to do your job and experiment. People will call you cool if you do so.
  • Most people can tell you how to do things, but they’re usually busy. Be nice to them and you can learn alot.
  • You can get into a fight and walk out with a new friend. You can also get murdered for pranking someone though.
  • MRP players get called shit no matter how they do, which is cruel and stupid.

Overall I’d say LRP is honestly a better atmosphere for fun times, with the downside that a single person who rolls antag and decides to bone can ruin the round. This doesn’t happen as often as you’d think.

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Everyone on MRP is just uptight as fuck about everything, meanwhile everyone on LRP is chill unless you act hostile toward them. Just get AA roundstart and go do whatever, have fun. Unless you’re sec or command which is kinda stupid but whatever.

On MRP if you shove someone once because they were in the way you bet your ass they will chase you around the entire shift trying to kill you, no matter what you do or say.

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