Lore of your characters

Post lore of your characters here,
Yes i know character jazz lounge exists on the discord, but It makes lore easier to access

Oh, did i also forget im going to use this as an antagonist to socially exploit you?


(copy paste from discord)

Flint was genetically engineered to be the blandest guy for shits and giggles he later married a guy and adopted a daughter, said daughter then got into a Clown accident and now had a balloon for a head. Flint, desperate to fix this, takes a job aboard NTSS13 to pay off egregious medical bills for her condition.



Hatched on a mostly human mining barge and looked over by her adoptive father (human). She spent the first 15 years of her life working as a cook aboard the same ship. She frequently got into fights with other children, causing her to grow a rebellious and rash attitude. Upon her fathers slow and withering death (brain disease), she stowed away aboard a ferry to get away from that life that she hated so much.

After a few years of odd jobs and drifting, she was offered a free education in nursing (the area was a war zone and desperately needed more medical personnel). She learned exceptionally fast, so fast in fact that she felt the training she received wasn’t enough for her.

Two years later she signs a contract with nanotrasen to sponsor her further education to doctorhood.

While she met friends and such in her travel periods, none of them stuck. While she did excellent in her studies, she had a poor behavioral record. Xixia frequently got detained for getting into fights with others. Her hot headed attitude earned her a mandatory leave of duty (she got suspended). During her suspension she met a human named Flip Hastings. Flip was also working a contract to become a medical doctor (or what qualifies as a doctor on the frontier). Average build human male, ginger hair, pale skin, you know what i mean. Flip quickly became one of Xixia’s dearest friends over her 6 year training period with nanotrasen.

Xixia and flip were colleagues for another few years after that, then fell in love. Xixia finally found the family she had longed so much for since her fathers death. Xixia, now being in her early thirties, married to Flip Hastings and they made plans to take up less dangerous work. Their service aboard nanotrasen research vessels in the frontier had hardened both of them to loss and war, but theres only so much someone can take before they just break.

Xixia and Flip were serving aboard a nanotrasen refueling outpost in the frontier when a syndicate sabotage operation targeted her station. A hacked medical cyborg drove itself into the station infirmary and detonated its installed payload. 8 were vaporized by the blast, whatever left of them sucked out into space before the firelocks shut. One of those 8 was Philip “Flip” Hastings.

Xixia-Sha was severely wounded during the events of that day, the entire upper left side of her body was shredded, losing her arm and a sizable portion of flesh between her abdomen all the way up to the lower part of her face. Her body was slowly reconstructed using synthflesh and prosthetics, she remained in comatose for 8 months after the incident.

The loss of her body and her husband were enough to break her mentally, the sassy and rebellious Xixia-Sha turned into a jaded, mean woman. She blamed her husband for awhile, as irrational as that is. She hated him for leaving her alone again with such devastation in her heart. Her depressive state persists to this day, she still has yet to overcome the feeling of loss.

Fast forward to the present, Xixia-Sha is now 50 years old. She is rude, prickly, jaded, and a general rotten old woman.

The nature of her husbands death gave her an intense fear and hatred of artificial intelligence, something she has had to cope with despite having to work with such beings.

Xixia-Sha is the most developed character of mine, i’ve spent a while thinking of her story and i’ve changed it over time. Its a bit cliché but thats alright with me. People frequently get the wrong idea when i play her in character (im not actually that mean i promise).

Xixia, my favorite, my fallen prodigy.


Wow thats… hilariously tragic.

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The medical cyborg should be banned, broke murderboning rules


This was an actual event that happened on tg, Flip is a real character that plays on bee sometimes (awkward). Borg was detonated while emagged and dusted med. Didnt kill 8 people though, that just what i made it in her story.

Suha Mohammad was born in a family of indentured employees who had gotten re-captured after a failed syndacate extraction. Due to their crimes against the corporation, they were executed and their children, Suha included, were taken in for an experimental education to test a system that supposedly would render her and the other test subjects faithful and devoted to the corporation. The experiment was deemed a success, since the subjects exhibited a slight increase in loyalty and productivity. After starting her medical career on a different fringe station, a freak encounter with a wizard undid the brainwashing the megacorp subjected her to: after evacuation, central command deemed her behaviour aberrant to the rest of her mindbent peers and decided to keep her on fringe stations, observing her behaviour and keeping tabs on her actions in an environment where she wouldn’t be a threat to their profit margins.

That’s how Suha came to be on the hazardous Space Station 13.

Sparky was created on a radioactive hellscape planet, as a companion for a lonely old roboticist. She did the dishes, bought the groceries, and helped harvest the steelcap crops. She was hungry for knowledge and experience, and ended up wondering who her mother was, having come across the concept in a book. Asking her father, she recognised the language and tone used to describe the man’s late wife as the same tone used in the town’s church. Drawing the connection, she decided her mother was a god, and nobody bothered to correct her.

Then they got death-squadded. Her father was a retired member of SELF, and was hiding from Nanotrasen. They found them, and stabbed him 28 times in the chest. Sparky survived by eating a pulse and playing dead, and since medHUDs weren’t updated for IPC’s yet, the death-squad bought it and burned the house down, leaving Sparky to patch herself up in the flames.

She left the planet and bounced around civilised space for a bit, selling her services under the guise of being a new model of cyborg. She tended bars, built buildings, cooked meals, grew crops, and gathered a large breadth of experience over an unspecified length of time.

Eventually, she ends up on Mars, circa. 2520ish. There she met the Tarquin’s, a wealthy family who happened to be in need of a childcare robot. They hired her, and she raised their children, Elise and Charle. Sometime during these 20-odd years IPC’s were publicised by Nanotrasen, and Sparky stopped pretending to be a cyborg. The two children went to university, and Sparky, still hungry for knowledge, tagged along, taking xenobiology. Wanting to learn more about the universe and help the humans that she’d somewhat come to see as siblings, she voulenteered to be posted on a frontier station, and grew to quite like the slimes there. The rest is gameplay.


Gerald Was one of the many employees working for nanotrasen’s science division, he got a scholarship of university and was offered a job there for a very high pay and benefits, Fast forward a year and he runs into some trouble, he’s a little low on cash, so he takes up a “Blood brother” To prove himself so he can be a full fledged traitor There he means hodi avanr, part of an organisation called the church of liberation, out of boredom to escape his boring inducing job, and they both complete their objectives.
They both split the cash, and go seperate ways. “I only did this for some cash, Now my eyes are truly open” Is gerald.

He still works with nanotrasen, the crimes he did as a blood brother with Hodi went unnoticed.

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Navy was once told by her creator to “do what fits you best”, which she took to heart. She’s got experience working in all fields of NTSS13, though usually she’s found in Medbay, where she treats people effectively, albeit rudely if they aren’t compliant with care. She’s also known to let patiens who run off go without saying a word, as, and I quote her, “Those idiots will come back eventually, be it dead or alive, it doesn’t matter to me.”.


Ei-Dooka’s family was attacked by an Ash Drake during a expedition onto one of the lavaland astroids, with Ei-Dooka being the only one to survive and flee. She nearly died after attacking a watcher when she was saved by the local ash walker tribe, they taught her the ways of lavaland and how to survive and thrive in the harsh environment. She saw how other humans would come down and wipe out the ash walkers main source of food and strip the land of building supplies and grew to despise them.

Eventually, she was captured by NT after getting caught in a fight between NT and the syndicates. She was then put in a cell for a few years until NT found her old records, then she was rehabilitated and got the chance to be reintroduced back into society. She took the chance and eventually went to school to learn about science and spent a brief time in security academy. She decided to dedicate most of her job time into being a miner, with the goal of being better than the humans when it comes to mining ethics.


its funny, i wrote 72 lines of backstroy for Dnd character but my spess man is just vague as fuck with 99% improv
i keep it consistent in-round, of course, but depending on my job it may bee all kinds of things

If im the HOP, maybe im some rich noble type that got in trough nepotism and bribes
or maybe i have a scret backround in crime and cheated my way into NT employment

If im a janitor, maybe im a noble fallen from grace forced to get by with lowly jobs
or a criminal that got caught and had to sell themselves to NT to get out of prison
or maybe just an evry day man that thoght mopping floors for NT would be easy and boring

When it comes to backstory, a lot of the time it is better to KISS (keep it short, simple) than to write a long winded novella.

Leo Brinigh exists
AARDVARK exists slightly less often

The end.

Camryn Hynes is here, much to the delight and horror of the staff of various Nanotrasen stations.

just read lmao

B.E.N.N.Y is an experimental positron security unit created by Nanotrasen, being given the following lawset:

  1. Unit must never intentionally harm an innocent crewmember.

  2. Unit must always use non-lethal force unless fired upon.

  3. Unit must keep the interest of the station as a whole above all other interests.

  4. Unit must not discriminate against anyone for any reason.

B.E.N.N.Y is bounced from station to station with the goal of improving station security quality. He has been blown up, shredded, decapitated, short circuited, and impaled innumerable times, but just keeps coming back.

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If it is a good novel, I shall do so.

Licks has no backstory on purpose. Having to come up with something on spot or using something from my library is quite a nice way of training my character design skills regarding art and rp.

Hutch is only few weeks old (irl time) so its still in works. The base idea is that she has been living in a hutch (who would have guessed). Everything inside was looted or created by her own moth hands with fire in the middle being the single most important thing, symbolizing a beacon of hope.
There’s a harmless gimmick im gonna try with her and might keep it, depending on the results and responses. It overall should will fit in the lore.

bob is a freaking sweet robot who talks in all caps because he’s cool and he is awesome