This is how lazarus has always been, it has not been changed. It never sent a message requiring loyalty in player controlled mobs, it’s just up to the discretion of the player.
You seem to have misunderstood. This is not what I am talking about.
What lazarus did is revive simplemobs and make them stop attacking crew.
What it does currently is revive them with original behavior intact, breaking its purpose somewhat, basically limiting it to harmless mobs only. I do not know when or why this was done.
Now, what you derive from the former is up to you, but what a dragon does after revival is not what I’m talking about here.
It does work on spiders. They are also not loyal to you afterwards. The fact it works on space dragons is a provable bug:
It does not. Again, I am talking about sentient spiders, hence me listing them along other sentient mobs. Sure, it works on regular spiders, but it’s not what I was discussing. (Do note that I last tested this quite a bit ago, but I recall completely that it failed.)
If the lazarus were to force the extremely powerful space dragon to be loyal, it would very suddenly warrant fixing.
On one hand, I disagree on a philosophical level, but I also know full well that people would use the dragon to ruin the rounds of whatever spawns/threatens the station next, so I get it, it’s kinda mandatory… Removing revival itself is ew, though.
Go back to the original function of lazarus injector…player controlled mobs are told who revived them and explicitly told they are not required to be loyal as they currently are.
Keep the item as-is
I still do not understand why it was changed, nor why anyone would want this. I am not a fan of gutted features in general and would be more in favor of complete removal in this case, considering its only use would be reviving ian every 10 rounds.
Add special code to the lazarus so that sentient mobs are slaved to the person who revived them brainwashing style, but add diona nymphs and space dragons to the exclusion list
Enslave-lazarus is cool, but I cannot help but realize that miners do not actually have a use for enslaved mobs beyond playing a gimmick. Further, lavaland mob enslavement is already available through the primal crafting lasso. Instead of tying this to lazarus, add a way for us to learn the lasso recipe (tendril drop? also to clarify i do not include the drake lasso in this suggestion), since you can actually ride a watcher at least.
A more powerful version of an enslavement lazarus could be a traitor miner item, though. Excluding diona and dragon from anything that enslaves is mandatory for reasons already stated above.