Langston Adams(1glitchycent) player feedback

Engie/med main
I do my job most of the time, tide a bit. Tell me what I do wrong that’s why these threads exist.

You are a good engineering. You should play CE more.

I don’t get to play with you often, but I do know that you’re a damn good doctor.

actually good as long as you’re not a dick to them

don’t play security, on golden, other than that I never saw you

also he is cringe man he steal insuls from me sad

Good person to troll, usually competent unless they’re tiding

hi lumost :sunglasses:


Who’s Lumost? I’ve never heard such a name.

You’re saying I’m not good at tiding? :sob: I am now very depressed and sad I will now act racist on the intewebs because of this statement.

No, I’m saying you’re competent at your job, when you’re not ignoring it and tiding instead