Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: Guess
Your Discord: Guess
Offender’s CKEY: Lacran
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name:
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 10-13-2020
Round Number: 22569
Rules Broken: Space law
Incident Description:
Additional Information:
I was a teratoma. A ling DNA stung me, making me into a random person, Sunshine Dawkins. Because I’m tasked with causing chaos, I go and steal the HoP’s ID from his computer while he’s standing there. He arrests me (fine) but then lets me escape and we have a shoving match. He stuns me, calls me a ling for taking his ID and then lethal lasers me to death because ???. As far as he was concerned I was a random assistant.
When I said to his accusations with “test me”, he responded by accusing me of sleepy penning him because I had accidentally picked up a pen by misclick and jabbed him with it once.
Based on the fact that
A: The pen was literally his pen from his desk.
B: He didn’t even suffer any effects from being jabbed by the pen.