In-game report:
Title: Kazuda Hyodo player report
CKEY: fighterslam
Your Discord: fighterslam#3109
Offender’s CKEY: Unknown
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Kazuya Hyodo
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2/7/2020
Round Number: 12274
Rules Broken: 1,3,7
Incident Description: This guy makes a gygax and then proceeds to attack & kill everyone on the evac shuttle before it docks.
Additional Information: None.
February 9, 2020, 10:20pm
Nagitoes has been perma banned for the time being, at least until they give their side of events.
This round had 15 players on the manifest, and Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) killed 7 of them in addition to Lisa and a carp.
This here was said in response to nothing. At least no provocation that I saw.
[2020-02-07 08:51:47.167] TCOMMS: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) [Common] “Don't worry everyone.” (language: Galactic Common) (Mech Bay (169, 124, 2))
[2020-02-07 08:51:52.932] TCOMMS: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) [Common] “I am going to kill them with my mech.” (language: Galactic Common) (Mech Bay (169, 124, 2))
In the span of 10 minutes at the end of the round attacked and critted 7 players, Lisa, and a carp.
[2020-02-07 08:50:39.399] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked CyberNeticStorm/(Donella Huey) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 79.1) (Starboard Primary Hallway (168, 128, 2))
[2020-02-07 08:51:31.484] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked Nortan Ewbon/(Joe Lloyd) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -79) (Starboard Primary Hallway (176, 129, 2))
[2020-02-07 08:51:35.601] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked no key /(space carp) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0) (Starboard Primary Hallway (172, 129, 2))
[2020-02-07 08:52:55.937] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked Sh33ps/(Fay Hill) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -112.7) (Starboard Bow Maintenance (165, 135, 2))
Line 2870: [2020-02-07 08:56:10.805] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked KillianLilith/(Chris J. Johnson) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -40) (Emergency Shuttle (197, 115, 12))
Line 2900: [2020-02-07 08:57:10.721] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked no key /(Everett Garrison) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -314.9) (Emergency Shuttle (194, 100, 12))
Line 2912: [2020-02-07 08:57:32.217] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked Deathsniper2000/(Kelly Xavier) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -141.6) (Emergency Shuttle (202, 111, 12))
Line 2962: [2020-02-07 08:59:18.353] ATTACK: Nagitoes/(Kazuya Hyodo) has attacked XII_391/(Freezing Wave) with Hyodo (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -154.9) (Emergency Shuttle (210, 91, 1))