Kale unbased Self antaging

CKEY: JackTheLing

Your Discord: Irrelevant

Offender’s CKEY: Dunno

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Kale

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): Today

Round Number: 17633

Rules Broken: Self Antag

Incident Description: Very easy to understand if you read pictures

If you are picture blind, I deconverted Kale about the same time I killed gang boss Nan. When I died he decided to purposely get converted back into the gang with Tian. My only ban is for something VERY similar

Also Kale killing implanted RD after he got willingly converted

A couple notes regarding your report first:

Your Discord: Irrelevant

It’s not, otherwise we wouldn’t ask for it. It’s nice to be able to contact players directly on Discord.

Additionally, while images are lovely - the reason why this has gone apparently unanswered for months is that you don’t summarize the issue primarily in text from the get-go. Use pictures to supplement your report, don’t use them as the exclusive linchpins. Administrators can and will review text logs which reflect the pictures anyway.

As far as the particulars of the report go, yes - if they willingly converted to an antagonist, they are self-antaging. Very, very valid. An administrator will likely need to dig up logs to support this, though.