Johanot Discord Mute Appeal

Discord ID: Johanot#5455

Admin Discord ID: llol and Naevi

Ban Type: mute!

Ban Length: permanent!

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/11/2020

Ban Reason: pinging admins

Appeal Reason: i’m sorry!

Additional Information: I like drinking tea and and


Admins were llol and Naevi


I think that’s a no from me.

What, I can’t make jokes in #salt-mines? That channel is made for shitposting, what are you even trying to accomplish by posting this screenshot here?


Two of you warnings are for bad pings. Your appeal is very low effort and you’re shitposting about annoying the admins.

I don’t see an unmute resulting in anything but more annoying pings when I put the two of these together.

I treated myself to a ping in celebration of the discord user day

The warning reason literally consists of two words, why do I have to write an essay in response to that


Jokes don’t mean anything, if I were to say “it’s time to commit war crimes in Syria”, that wouldn’t mean I’m about to do it, Serbia is much closer, after all


And if you still think pinging admins for no reason is a funny joke my point stands.


Humor is subjective.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What happened to the two replies that were here? :thinking:

Snapped out of existence

Damn it’s been long!

Thankfully I don’t get any of these pings currently.
I’d vote no still if I did. It’s a month since the ban and shitposting in your appeal is a real bruh moment.

Wack, I’m just trying to break the awkward silence

It would be a great Christmas gift to unban me
:point_right: :point_left:

Ehhhhh it’s been 14 days, let’s give him 1 more chance.

I would be fine with unmute but with addnotation that one more unecessary staff ping would result in twice as long mute.

I hope somebody pings you 200 times today…

That makes two of us

Jeah, i mean why the hell not. I’d be okay with a thin ice unmute. But if you fuck up again … just dont, okay?

I’ve removed the warnings for bad ping from you, effectively unmuting you.

Please don’t abuse pings again even for hehe meme xd lol

Also, if you wish to appeal your 3rd warning (from llol) message me and I will reopen this appeal.