In-game report:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: Maxoesss
Your Discord:
Offender’s CKEY: Xxxxtimetravelerxxxxx
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Jerry Gibson
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2020-08-04
Round Number: 19449
Rules Broken: self-antag
Incident Description: Dude sorta zoomed into me while I was hacking a door, which is fair enough. But sort of said some cringey shit to me IC, complaining that I pinged admins on discord the last round because of a self-antagging murderboner who was also multikeying.
Eventually he decides to gulag me and then proceeds to bucklecuff me to a chair in the gulag shuttle instead of teleporting me. While we’re in midflight transit he opens the airlock, moves behind me while I’m bucklecuffed to the chair and then shoves me out by walking into me on hostile intent.
He then proceeds to lie in ahelps and cringe flexes in OOC at round-end Chat.
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: owen literally spaced himself this round
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: owen cant lose it seems
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: he takes losing very badly
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: took it personal
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: I even got a medal
OOC: XXxxTimeTravelerxxxXX: I could robust every single one of you so I doubt that
Also seemingly jailed syndi-man for 9 minutes for no-raisin. This is a 4hr act that immediatly zooms in on certain players and lies in ahelps, seems griefish and grudge unga.
Additional Information:
Admin PM from-Sumter: He said spacing you was not on purpose. he intended to gulag you. He has managed to kill at least one antag while I’ve been on, and so he isn’t just randomly murdering people. If he starts killing people with no evidence of them being antags, I will take the proper action of banning him from sec, but for now he’s on notice."
Also lying in ahelps and being a 4hr act that self-antags is now robust. Can we stop the MRP/LRP tribalism please bruh
Also seems to use an autoclicker, evidence in round 19451. But I’m not sure if that’s actually able to be checked somehow with logs.