Itachi Uchiha Player Report

In-game report:

   CKEY: Chamoral

   Your Discord:

   Offender’s CKEY: Dont know

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Itachi Uchiha

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 27-06-2020

   Round Number: 17785

   Rules Broken: 4(Self-antagging)

   Incident Description: Borg seen me doing a chem nade so thought that definitely means im traitor(even though i was one)and was permaflashing me,even though i asked both him and AI to stop all the time i was not in crit, in order to take me to warden and into perma,but forgot that station was depressurised and that there was no air so i went into hardcrit,tried to whisper and died of it.

   Additional Information:I literally felt myself George Floyd at that time because my ic couldnt breathe and i was asking borg and AI to stop permaflashing me and he wouldnt stop and then character died of suffocation just like George Floyd you know,just like in that George Floyd movie of your Hollywood

Also im myself unsure if this was self-antag,because one of the admins replied that it was accident and thus doesnt deserve a ban so i dont actually ask for a ban or any punishment,this report is more to hear other admins voices on the matter and just to know if i was actually right that even accident self-antag is self-antag and still deserves at least a note.

Offender is @SasukexSakura1337

What I got from the logs, as I was adminning this round, was that Sasukex saw you in chemistry making a grenade, flashed you and tried to keep you from using it (because they were a Peacekeeper). They flashed you to stop you, and kept flashing you. Then, they realized that you started gasping and literally begged people to help save you.

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There were other reasons to believe you were BB. Leaving a traitor free is harmful to the rest of the crew, which includes humans. Detaining you is not harmful to you, nor is it harmful to other humans. And I am unsure if that borg was even on Asimov.

You had internals on. So at first when borg detained you, you were fine. Then you started suffocating in a pressurized room because your oxygen tank ran out of oxygen.
Borg did not realize you were dying at first, then had the warden check your condition, finally realized you were suffocating and panicked. Tried to drag you further into pressurized environment and panicked even more when it did not help.
You have not mentioned that you were out of air before falling into crit.
You caused your own death by not keeping in mind limited nature of emergency oxygen tank.
The borg made a mistake of not checking your internals when it realized you were suffocating.
Making a mistake is not against the rules.

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I agree with everything but the "other reasons to think I’m antag"part?What are they,those stealthy and not mentionable reasons to flash someone for long enough that they manage to die of oxyloss?I mean why did he think I’m BB besides chem nade,because I literally don’t remember a smallest occasion that would make his action valid.

i was in chemistry that round, i believe it was a dynamic round or something? might have been monkey but im pretty sure it was dynamic.
i was a blood bro i believe (im pretty sure i was chamoral blood bro in this round)
and the borg came in and eliza for making a grenade (we were making nades to kill hos)
and the borg kept fucking with the chemistry. they almost blew me up by messing with the temperature while I was making meth (i have a fast process to making it which is volatile and dangerous). the borg turned off the heater and changed the temp
just thought i would add what I saw

edit: obv it wasnt monkey if i was blood bro with eliza

Are you ■■■■■■ed or something?, I was in the chemistry while Tyrone USED A nade to explode the entire fucking medbay to kill HoS.

p.s I didn’t mean to quote mr ravellonl
For the steff kid.
You make it sound as if i had intentions do blow you guys up, you guys literally made meth inside the machine as i saw you guys were making i saw also recipes that were VERY very similar to lexorin which is a recipe i used to make @Caecilius knows that i used to do this.
I used Binary chat to talk to ai and since it’s my law that PREVENT human harm. I didn’t put potasssium or anything. I just literally either removed the lethal doses. On the temp part there wasn’t much i could do but prevent heating it. I simplely tried to “prevent” which was within my powers and tyrone having literally a nade that shat on medbay outside. I was broken borg inside chemistry for a while before getting recovered ’

I have literally a list of things that YOU literally did wrong. Entire deadchat flamed you, I tried to make warden give you CPR. I tried to prevent human harm. Worst part is that the Tyrone guy stopped HoS from arresting you due to suspicions of nade. That’s very suspicous how he saved you along with bombing medbay after. This isn’t mistake this is bound to be something that occurs on golden. I had no other intentions but preventing human harm.

Be a fucking man and take it. This is the second time you crying about me for cucking your antag round

I was a borg that round, I first tried to check him but all i saw him was literally sleeping. I was a borg and i didnt’ realize the lack of oxygen. I wasn’t sure if he had internals or not due to the scuffed round along with other bullshit things that occured

literally dont know who you are but okay

For the future though: turn your borg HUD on. It is a combo HUD so it has med HUD as well.

Making nades, fighting HoS with Tyrone, Tyrone blowing up medbay, Tyrone getting killed for being a traitor and you trying to clone him (and failing) three times (because cloner had no synthflesh smh)
And of course there’s the matter of the master AI saying you’re a bb, I’m pretty sure I saw that.

Making nades doesnt make you valid.Fighting hos with tyrone is not actually what happened:hos egunned me i fell and then tyrones shoved hos so that i can escape grab run and uncuff myself(resisting arrest doesnt make you valid too).Medbay wasnt blown up by me,it was Tyrone.Someone saying that youre traitor and use of communications doesnt make you valid since you do need to see trairotous acts yourself.All this borg see was me making some chem nade,then running from hos,then trying to clone a dead peson,and later he was told by ai that im traitor.I mean which of the previous made me valid:pretty sure that nothing did

As a person who plays a lot of borg and knows the ins and outs of borgs, the hud doesn’t just show you sec, med and diagnostics but also increases the hitboxes of your targets. You should only ever turn it off when there are two people on the same tile, even then you can alt click. I can not stress the importance of the hud. As a borg, burn damage, oxy damage, toxin damage and pressure damage do not effect you, so you’ll often forget about them; the hud lets you see if people are dying to these. As a last resort when you tried everything and they’re still dying, turn off their oxy tank / make sure you aren’t giving healing chems to a slime person.

It does not make you valid to kill, yes. Seeing how borg tried his best to keep you alive, the “I wasn’t valid” does not apply.

Also, there is a difference between comms from crew and comms from the AI you are slaved to.

Side note; making a chem nade isn’t in violation of law 1, no?

No. But it is enough for the silicons to want to keep an eye on you. And with other factors added up it tips from “potentially harmful individual” to “harmful individual”

Don’t be obvious in your teamplay with another bomber.


cringe naruto name, ban he

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first part was you and the earlier part was for eliza

Literally saw 3 dead tyrone bodies in cloning aswell. Helping a antag is literally self antag

A couple administrators have thrown up valid thoughts based on logs ITT, I think this one can be closed.