Your CKEY: Isy232
Your Discord: Isy#8939
How long have you been playing ss13?: 984 Hours spent on /tg/ code.
814 on /tg/:
170 on Bee:
Some additional time spent on TGMC, which is modified CM code so not too applicable.
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: I play entirely on MRP and some people may recognize me by the IC names I use and my activity in OOC.
I play as Hydrogen III, Luminous Silkwork, XCIR, Kryndald Geobbles, Tritium VI (Until I realized this was not a valid plasma man name, swapped to hydrogen III since its the same thing [Isotopes]. Doubt I ever played as this on bee).
Game Experience (More Detailed): Whew, now I get to brag.
Toxins (50,000 point tritium bombs).
Xenobiology (I haven’t memorized the crossbreeds, but I know what most of the important ones are).
Engineering (I’ve built my own shuttle a few times).
Supermatter (Not a complete professional as I don’t main engineering, but I can get it to fire nuclear particles without immediately blowing up).
Chemistry (I have a macro for nearly every chemical).
Surgery (Not memorized, but I can pull up the wiki and do just about anything).
Antagonists (I know most antagonists that have been in /tg/ rotation very well, exception of blood cult because I’ve almost never gotten it, just due to the luck)
AI (Basics)
Botany (Basics, not a professional, but I can grow plant).
Only thing that comes to mind that I have never done or wanted to do is genetics.
I made the map Icy Caves for TGMC with help from their maintainers.
I have a local copy of the codebase and can file search for things that I need to know.
I know how to change variables and I think I’ve got a decent handle on github by now, may still need occasional help.
I’ve made a few PR’s for Bee, none have been merged yet.
I discuss my notes (The Important Ones):
Beat a chef who was cqcing people in kitchen from alive, to hard crit, to dead. Told to cuff people instead and was extremely argumentative in ahelps. Consider a security ban if he kills people as security again.
This was a long time ago, I barely remember it, this was back in September.
Banned from the server for 3 days - Killed the HoS and HoP for early launching the shuttle against orders.
Already explained it better elsewhere.
Banned from the server for 3 days - Released a horde of sentient spiders that resulted in the murder of the majority of the crew. Council ruling makes the creator responsible. Auth Midijamz.
Didn’t know this was a rule because I was playing the MRP server and the MRP rules do not have a link to the admin rulings thread. I think this ban is stupid because of that but I was out for those 3 days so no point in an appeal.
I thought the individual spiders would be to blame, but in hindsight, one spider would break its objectives and attack people or attack someone in self defense, those who died to the spider would see the option to become a spider and possibly either see that they had an master, but assume that their master had ordered spiders to go around killing or that they would not see the objective and just follow what they saw the spider that killed them doing, killing people.
Fusion genocide as a BB with no hijack objective
I didn’t actually use fusion, I had a large plasma/oxy burn in the pipes that got to a nice 100,000 K, I then released this because I wanted to know what it would do, somewhat doubting it would do as much as true fusion. Oopsies.
Also, if anyone is wondering why I am playing here and not on /tg/, where I have the majority of my hours, its because the admins here actually seem to give a shit, the populations are higher and MRP is the perfect balance of rules and chaos.