rkz recently linked a wiki page for combat mode on beestation on the PR’s body
alternatively, a list of interactions is enumerated on the github page
rkz recently linked a wiki page for combat mode on beestation on the PR’s body
alternatively, a list of interactions is enumerated on the github page
sweeping attacks were in the pro’ cataegory no complains there
fair theres 0 documentation because its highly intuitive that a yellow image of a guy grabbing means grab mode while theres no way to figure out that CTRL Click is grab as its not shown anywhere (unless u wayback to the TG wiki Ig)
the point that combat mode is easier even though it supposidly offers infinite variations of diffrent interactions is a huge cope
I would argue that this, specifically, isn’t true
A screwdriver is more useful than a stick of the same length, almost all of the time. You can burn a stick, and you can’t burn most screwdrivers, but screwdrivers tend to be metal, and far more sturdy, than random sticks. It’s also easier to use a screwdriver for most tasks, like stabbing or screwing screws. Just because a tool is more capable, it doesn’t mean it’s any more or less easy to use.
As for documentation, I haven’t gone looking for combat mode documentation, but intents had their fair share of unintuitive shit. Did you know you can slit someone’s throat by attacking their head with a sharp item while in grab intent and neck grabbing them? You’d think it’d be harm intent, that’s a pretty harmful action, but no.
Granted, the base function of the intents was fairly intuitive, especially if you followed the tutorial. Green one is the default and lets you do most shit, blue one gets people out of your way, yellow one grabs shit, and red one fucks shit up. This mostly just collapses the blue one into right click and the yellow one into control-click.
If you’d like my input, add the ability to swap right click and shift-right click. Let us have the context menu on right click again, and if we want to do specific interactions make us put in the effort. As I understand it, most of the right click actions aren’t reflexive, but opening the context menu sometimes is. Other than that, I’m ambivalent. I haven’t played much with the new changes, but I’m interested to see where this goes.
Yea, I agree most points here but I think the analogy doesn’t make much sense and portrays the screwdriver as a direct upgrade to a stick which isn’t meant to screw
It’s more like a screwdriver and a power drill ,sure you can use it to screw and make holes but it’s more clanky and difficult to use then a screw driver
ALSO the slice throat thing is woefully underpowered with latest bleed changes : (
The only thing i was surprised it wasn’t added(yet) is the combat indicator sound to indicate someone toggled Combat Mode, some servers have it with a mini ! Added on top of the character head and then becomes a small red circle to the side.
Locked lockers can be opened with empty hand, but I couldnt find an option to lock it back, with an empty hand.
If you remove the unintuitive non-combat interactions from intents, the base is fairly intuitive since the intents have no effect outside of unarmed combat. With the vast majority of items, every single intent does the same thing with the exception being attacking on help mode dealing no damage.
The only reason I’m against this even as an optional pref is because it would be such a terrible control scheme that it would be impossible to ever learn. Anyone who turns it on is probably in the early phases of learning combat mode, so by turning it on they’d make the system more difficult for themselves and would be forever stuck to complain about how bad combat mode is as an addition for the controls.
The point of it being easier to use is that it doesn’t force infinite variations of different interactions. It offers 2 variations of different interactions, secondary and primary. Programmers are forced to use consistent and sensible interactions instead of picking a random intent mode for a different action that the user isn’t made aware of. The place where it unlocks more interaction is particularly in combat, since there is no appropriate place to bind secondary actions to as the intent system is made for unarmed interaction and doesn’t consider the needs of item interactions at all.
Intents are a system only made for unarmed interactions, combat mode is a system designed solely around what players are mainly doing which is interactions based on held items. Even if something relatively niche like martial arts is affected, it is much easier to integrate that into a system like combat mode than it is to integrate all items with a system that doesn’t understand or consider what players want to be doing with items.
Hi, this is incorrect. I made a completely new wiki page for combat mode and completely redid our keybindings page which hadnt been touched in 3 years.
I am open to making changes players suggest. TG made quite a few pitfalls in not ensuring an amount of continuity in actions.
Ive had people DM or message me on the discord saying an interaction didnt work the way they expected and Ive done my best to try to lay it out so it makes sense, or readd the previous action on top of the new one. Someone said the wiki [age was missing, which was my fault, I have now updated the wiki a few days ago.
I can discuss the changes with whoever wants to talk with me, so long as it doesnt devolve into some sort of screaming act like this:
For combat indicators specifically, well we need to put a little more consideration into it than are they good or bad. We need to know if they are the right fit, or if we can bend them to be the right fit.
The server most associated with combat indicators, like Skyrat, primarily had combat indicators for rule-related reasons, with some minor mechanics about attack damage received attached. They explicitly punished people who tried to fight without using combat indicators.
If I were to add combat indicators. What would be the implementation you would like to see?
Fair , In Hindsight rebinding disarm in favour of context mode is pretty dumb considerering theres only 2 buttons but key divercity would still be nice in generic interactions
Yeah Ig compressing bunch of interactions into 2 buttons does seem like its easier in Combat but with generic everyday activities like building or deconstruction it feels rather pointless and Cumbersome utilising RCLick similarly cutting back all the interactions into Primary and Secondary i feel like alot of Niche stuff got cut out, like stealing somebodys shoes, or draining power from a APC (maybe im wrong but as Ethereal you can only Give and not Take power)
Body Catching too? Maybe? i havnt tested it myself but many Grab Interactions are not present with its soft removal
IDK tho IMO i just prefer Unarmed interactions as they are usually more relevant
Agreed with your comment, when i played Nova(Ex-SR) it was made very clear the importance of doing it so there was no doubt in: ‘‘Time to talk/RP is over, i’m now pressing the button that will inform everyone around me that it is pvp time’’
I can’t speak on how Bee itself would like to implement it regarding rules/punishments/sportmanship since that would be more of an admin-meeting discussion at the start, but i do like the combat indicator because it helps notifying everyone that the player in question is engaging on more aggresive mechanics, for example this could help with type-baiting or making a fight more clear as when the RP-phase is over, i’ll ping you with a video i did a while ago on Darn thread about it, that’s the version feel helps for clarity the most.
A toggle for right click and shift right click functionality that swaps them back and forth would be impeccable since the former sees specific use while the latter is usually superior.
Not a big fan of the combat mode
Not a big fan of the combat mode
(30 on 30)
Also not a big fan.
Makes admin duties slightly slower due to the silly shift-rightclick thing
Also, currently seems to break UI in multiple places for some reason.
should be right click when closed?
Combat mode takes, off gives
This I think should be unintentional, ghosts on all other servers just press the right mouse button to open the context menu
Right click
I like combat mode, but shift right click is really clunky to use your eyes instead of using your arms/legs.
Right click is putting minimal exertion mentally into something, being able to see stuff is pretty low exertion.
Shift right click is putting a slight bit more effort into making an action. Shoving somebody with your legs or arms is more effort than being able to see.
Having said that, it’s really the only thing that I see problem wise from combat mode.