Input for official escalation policy

Ever been banned for over-escalation and wondered what the hell that even means? Had the admin try to explain step-by-step (hopefully) what proper escalation looks like but wonder why the only visible escalation policy involves trespassing? Wonder no more!

Click here for policy

Aggressor - the person who initiated conflict. The aggressor may not escalate conflict to the next level, however they may stand their ground and match the force used against them.

Defender - the person who has had conflict initiated with them. Defenders may use a level of force one step above what an aggressor has used. This also allows the aggressor to match your force, so don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

Pursuit If you pursue someone that is attempting to escape a conflict, even if they are the aggressor, you become the aggressor and may no longer escalate. Use reasonable self-defense, but once your attacker is repelled it is no longer self-defense.

Normal escalation - Normal escalation is followed step by step, an aggressor that shoves you may be met with unarmed combat + incapcitating weaponry. If a player is incapacitated and unable to fight back you may not continue to harm them under normal escalation. If the fight continues and they stand their ground, you may escalate to armed combat. I
f they still do not back down, you may crit them so long as you see that they receive medical treatment. If two players are having an unarmed brawl with neither willing to back down, it is not over-escalation when one eventually falls into crit, however medical treatment is still required.

Lavaland escalation - Means you can skip any conflict in which you are not the aggressor immediately to step 5. Still generally bad taste to immediately kill someone that shoved you once, and you may be told it’s excessive if you’re found to be baiting people so you can kill them.

Antagonist escalation - Antagonists may kill their objective targets, players interfering with the completion objectives and witness to their crimes even if the other player does not initiate conflict. Being intentionally obvious (Strolling public areas with an armblade/esword out, for instance) in order to chase down and kill “witnesses” will be classified as murderbone.
For any conflicts unrelated to objectives, antagonists follow Lavaland escalation - be careful who you mess with.

Security/Captain (not Detectives or Lawyers) may begin a conflict with anyone breaking space law at step 2. Security/Captain may skip to step 4 against anyone who fights back with harmful intent, or who is trespassing in secure areas.

Non-antagonists may not use lethal force against security or until after they have used it against you. This means critting or killing security that is doing their job properly is over-escalation. As a non-antagonist, you are expected to disable/bamboozle security and run away or submit to the arrest

Trespassing The player that is trespassing (in any department their assigned job doesn’t have access to, stolen AA is not an assigned job) they are automatically the aggressor in any conflict that starts with someone who belongs in the department they are in. As usual, the aggressor may not escalate beyond the level of force used against them.
If you wish for a trespassing player to be removed from your department, contact security before taking matters into your own hands, but you may escalate normally after attempting to inform them.

Pursuit If you pursue someone that is attempting to escape a conflict, even if they started it, you become the aggressor and may no longer escalate. Use reasonable self-defense, but once your attacker is repelled it is no longer self-defense

Repeat aggressors - Once you have been the defender in a conflict with the same player three times, you may escalate immediately to step five for the current and all future conflicts in which they are the aggressor. This means you cannot revenge kill them on sight if they receive medical treatment.

Dying to crit - if a player is unable to render aid before someone in critical condition dies, but a genuine effort was made, it is not over-escalation. They are still expected to resuscitate or clone the other player.
If you ghost out of your body early and then report that the other player killed you, you will be slapped for ban-baiting.

After discussing this with council and getting their approval it’s time for players to have their say This is the latest in trying to get all of our rules clarified and into one place, since it just looks like I keep promising to do that but then keep turning nothing up between my other activities.

i’m not sure if you’re aware or not
you know the whole problem with validity on MRP?
by adding even more structure you’re restricting the roleplay environment
whilst a guideline is nice, this can be problematic in certain situations
MRP is becoming less of medium roleplay and more of “you must meet X conditions” before doing Y instead of lrp’s “you must meet this one condition” before doing Y

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This is just one step of the process of clarifying rules, MRP still won’t have hard validity in most situations like LRP does - Valid is simply defined in the escalation policy for LRP’s sake, since Valids would otherwise not be covered by the policy at all.

This policy was formed as closely to how we rule situations as over-escalation as it could possibly get.

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holy shit this is a fucking essays’ worth of legalese


This is hard validity
this literally provides a way to identify if someone is killable or not
if someone is valid or not
if someone is valid to be murdered
if someone is valid to be critted
if someone is valid to be attacked.
this is hard validity

i’m not saying the “policy” is a bad thing, but if things like this continue, MRP will become much less of a roleplay environment than it already is. currently, it’s just a toxic cesspool of whining players with some good mixed in

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come on ruko this is speeceman game not ace attorney


So let me ask you this @fighterslam - on a server without hard validity, how does someone escalate to step 5 precisely?

  • The killer is an antagonist
  • The killer is retaliating on lavaland escalation
  • The killed player tried to start shit with someone three different times, and definitely deserved it. (Killer will still face IC punishments, just not OOC)
  • It was an accident as a result of critting someone, in which case medical aid is still rendered

All other cases the maximum escalation is step 4, which requires medical aid be rendered (and hopefully security to get involved by that point)

You have no clue what being an admin is like lol


hey quick question, if somebody is being annoying on comms can I tresspass into a secure location and immediately escalate to stage 4 without interacting with them once

If someone hits you, you shouldn’t try to kill them.

If they try to injure you or cause serious harm to you, then you can kill them.

This is good, this isn’t anything new; it’s the escalation rules properly defined. The only problem is armed combat. Do flashes and glass tables count as weapons? Also put this in the official wikipedia, so the rules aren’t segmented over 1000 different pages.

yes, in fact flashes are weapons considering flash + cuff and you’re dead pretty much.

And glass tables?


if someone pushed you through a glass table irl would you consider it assault or

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I’d say it counts the same as smashing a bottle on some guy, same effect.

pretty much, you can kick the shit out of someone who pushes you through a table, but not outright kill them

That is the current plan and WIP. All rules on the same page of the wiki, and rulings incorporated into the rules they changed instead of being pegged up like sticky notes in a forum thread. Most “policy” pages that are pretty long-winded are still going to have their own articles on the wiki, but will be directly referenced within the rules with links.

Having the rules on the wiki will make it much easier to update them with new rulings, and also keep a history of changes/updates so it’s easy to see when something new has been added. Council rulings go to a forum thread currently because even head admins can’t update the rules page directly (Remember how long it took to fix Greif?)

2) Unarmed but harmful actions such as punching and kicking, or armed but non-harmful actions such as using a disabler or stun baton.

Both of those fit into this step, which means under normal escalation you can answer them with armed combat if you aren’t the aggressor in the situation. If the person tries to run away, you may not crit them since your self-defense was successful at repelling the attacker.

However if you’re flashed by security at normal escalation, fighting with lethal intent isn’t permitted until security has also used lethals. You may notice this means a conflict between security and non-antag should only be possible to escalate to lethals if non-antag is trespassing in high-security areas, and only if security opts to use lethals. This makes it easier to hold both security and players accountable.

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now we get new rule every 3 days
how am i supposed to know all this


This isn’t really new at all. It’s just a policy that has always been treated as common sense put into words. Bans for over-escalation have existed for longer than I’ve played SS13.

The only newish part is the security/Non-antag interactions

These rules aren’t exactly new. Lol.

People bitch about rules not being properly defined. Now people bitch about rules BEING properly defined.

Literally cant win. No wonder admins get burnt out.

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