**Admin’s CKEY:**archanial
**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**Job ban.
Which server did the ban happen on? Sage
Ban Type: It’s a job ban.
Ban Length: 3 days.
**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**11/14/2020
Round ID: 23911
Ban Reason: Cremated newly elected “President Captain”, who was approved and promoted by the actual captain.
Appeal Reason: So. Alright, people, it’s me with a fresh and new created account just to appeal a security ban. Imagine caring about security job, oh my. So, here is the story of mine. I am a head of security. What a good start. Round start is slow and calm, all heads had a meeting at the bridge, captain told us some stuff over there, it was alright. Captain wanted very calm shift, thats what I promised them to have. Or, at least, in the best of my abilities. Then I asked captain about possible traitorious activity and actions towards it. Long story short: captain gave me the authorisation to ALL executions. What a great shift start. After that stuff decided to downgrade as fast as it can. We caught one traitor, second traitor started to breach the armoury some time after. I was killed, brought back to life, we had a chase for that person, who killed me. I had no time looking at anything else, because we had an incursion team on the loose. Security was in a big chase. Captain came few times to brig, announcing, that he asked CC for a ling sniffing team. Ive noticed few more clowns with mindshield, that information made it clear. Weve managed to get chemist, who was the part of the incursion team, but we still had at least two people, who we had yet to catch. Suddenly I hear, that captain’s AA was stolen by someone. Yeah, alright, thought I, what can even happen with that. Well, it happened, because it could happen. Some time after the message about stolen AA, Ive stumbled upon four or so people at arrivals nearby ID console. I technically couldnt handle that AA trash at that moment, so I told them, that I dont care about their AA, just dont come into security department. I saw Captain in the permabrig, Captain told me, that he is not captain anymore. Alright, thought I, its a Chain of Command subversion. After some time CMO found me and told me, that they promoted someone to a new HoS. I saw a fake hos, arrested them, moving the false HoS to the Brig, telling him, that I am about to execute him. Because its Mutiny. I dragged him all the way to perma and checked the backpack of the false HoS. All stuff, that he had was just a full set of chameleon gear, which that killed member of the syndicate incursion had on him. So, he didnt steal anything from security, he didnt break the rule about not entering security, I was about to let him go. Mike Rich decided to rush the brig, shoved one of the officers. I saw him giving out all access earlier on, assault of the officer was the last straw in his sentence. I mean, come on, man, he heard about the ONLY rule about AA. Not Entering Security. He even agreed with it. I killed him. He incited mutiny with these AA cards, at least he could follow the only rule. Let that guy with chameleon kit out, taking his ID with HoS access. I dragged the body of Mike out of sec, Garret Kelley tried to get the body from me, I ran away, stripping Mike, because I decided to check his stuff and get rid of the AA card. Garret chased me all the way to chapel, I stunned them and destroyed the body of Mike. Why did I do that? Because he was the beggining of that “election of the new command” thing. And the penatly for the mutiny is death. And I had authorisation to execute from the real shift-start captain. Was I paying much attention to the chat? Only to red and sometimes to yellow chat, because we had an alive incursion team. Most of the time my eyes were on the crew monitor, because we still had a chase going, I was looking at the people’s HP. And nearly all quotes in the chat werent visible to me. But all that Mutiny, subversion of the real chain of command, his decision to break into security, violating only ONE rule that I gave about AA cards werent enough to administer a crematorium session. They would have cloned that person, if I hadnt cremated them, because his new “elected command staff” was looking for their dead “president”. There was a paper with the sign of the real captain, which was shown to me only after I cremated that rioter. I had NO idea about it, from my perspective all of that trash was a mutiny towards real Chain of Command.
Additional Information: Yeah, man, very funny accusing security in being a bad trash, when they are busy dealing with the real deadly trash on the loose. Got All Access? Keep it to yourself or at least try to show the paper with Captain’s approval to security before giving it out.