IlLoTAFV Player Report

CKEY: Demdisco

Your Discord: PUSSINBOOTS#5935

Offender’s CKEY: IlLoTAFV

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Derrick Woolery

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 09/09/2020

Round Number: 21040

Rules Broken: Antag Conduct

Incident Description: Guy maxcapped without proper objectives, his reasoning was that the captain had body guards (A mega shark, a green eyed spider with fugu glands and some random teratoma).

Additional Information:

Handled during the round

I was waiting for it to be handled, if at all, because I have not received any messages yet.

Issue has been handled, this can be safely closed.

He also didn’t make 1 but 4 maxcaps, 1 was detonated in bridge, another one dissapeared from his inventory when i observed him again so not sure where it went, another one was voice activated and the last one was hooked to a blast cannon, a biiiit excessive.

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